Compute Graph Framework SDK Reference  5.8
dw::framework Namespace Reference


namespace  semantic_parameter_types


class  Buffer
class  BufferBase
class  BufferCPU
class  BufferCUDA
struct  BufferProperties
class  ChannelConnector
class  ChannelFactory
class  ChannelNvSciPacketDefault
class  ChannelNvSciStreamParams
class  ChannelObject
class  ChannelPacket
class  ChannelPacket< dwCodecPacket >
class  ChannelPacket< dwEgomotionStateHandle_t >
class  ChannelPacket< dwFeatureArray >
class  ChannelPacket< dwFeatureHistoryArray >
class  ChannelPacket< dwFeatureNccScores >
class  ChannelPacket< dwImageHandle_t >
class  ChannelPacket< dwLatency >
class  ChannelPacket< dwLidarDecodedPacket >
class  ChannelPacket< dwLidarPacketsArray >
class  ChannelPacket< dwPointCloud >
class  ChannelPacket< dwPyramidImage >
class  ChannelPacket< dwRadarScan >
class  ChannelPacket< dwSensorNodeRawData >
class  ChannelPacket< dwTraceNodeData >
class  ChannelPacket< SensorServiceNodeRawData >
class  ChannelPacketBase
class  ChannelPacketDefault
class  ChannelPacketDefaultBase
struct  ChannelPacketFingerprint
class  ChannelParams
class  ChannelSocketPacketBase
class  ChannelSocketParams
struct  ChannelTracePoint
struct  ChannelTraceProcessParam
class  CodecPacket
class  ComputeGraph
class  ComputeGraphImpl
class  ContextParameterProvider
 A parameter provider for the dwContextHandle_t. More...
class  dwBaseDrainerTemplate
class  dwCameraNode
struct  dwCameraNodeParams
 Construction parameters for dwCameraNode. More...
class  dwChannelDrainerTemplate
class  DWChannelFactory
class  dwFeatureDetectorNode
class  dwFeatureDetectorNodeBase
class  dwFeatureDetectorPVANode
struct  dwFeatureNccScores
class  dwFeatureTrackerNode
class  dwGlobalEgomotionNode
 This node computes the global vehicle state and motion over time using signals from GPS and relative egomotion. More...
struct  dwGlobalEgomotionNodeInitParams
struct  dwGlobalEgomotionState
class  dwGPSChannelNode
class  dwGPSNode
struct  dwGPSNodeParams
class  dwIcpNode
class  dwIMUChannelNode
class  dwIMUNode
struct  dwIMUNodeParams
struct  dwLatency
class  dwLidarBatchNode
class  dwLidarNode
class  dwLidarPointCloudAccumulatorNode
class  dwLidarPointCloudStitcherNode
struct  dwLidarPointCloudStitcherNodeParams
struct  dwPointCloudAccumulatorNodeParams
class  dwPyramidNode
class  dwPyramidNodeBase
class  dwPyramidPVANode
class  dwRadarChannelNode
class  dwRadarDopplerMotionNode
struct  dwRadarDopplerMotionNodeParams
class  dwRadarNode
class  dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNode
 This node computes the vehicle state and relative motion over time using signals from IMU and wheelspeed sensors. More...
class  dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNodeImpl
struct  dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNodeInitParams
class  dwRigNode
 dwRigNode receives extrinsic calibrations from sensors in the system, and maintains that state to update the vehicle's rig file on program exit. More...
class  dwSelfCalibrationNode
struct  dwSelfCalibrationNodeCameraParams
struct  dwSelfCalibrationNodeLidarParams
struct  dwSelfCalibrationNodeParam
struct  dwSelfCalibrationNodeRadarParams
struct  dwSensorDrainerParams
class  dwSensorDrainerTemplate
class  dwSensorNode
struct  dwSensorNodeRawData
class  dwSoftISPNode
class  dwTraceCollectorNode
class  dwTraceNode
class  dwUltrasonicChannelNode
class  dwUltrasonicNode
class  dwVehicleStateChannelDrainer
class  dwVehicleStateChannelNode
class  dwVehicleStateDrainer
class  dwVehicleStateNode
class  EgomotionStateHandlePacket
struct  EnumDescription
struct  EnumDescription< dwEgomotionLinearAccelerationFilterMode >
struct  EnumDescription< dwEgomotionSpeedMeasurementType >
struct  EnumDescription< dwFovealMode >
struct  EnumDescription< dwMemoryType >
struct  EnumDescription< dwMotionModel >
struct  EnumDescription< dwPointCloudFormat >
struct  EnumDescription< dwPrecision >
struct  EnumDescription< dwProcessorType >
struct  EnumDescription< dwTrivialDataType >
class  Exception
class  ExceptionSafeProcessNode
class  ExceptionSafeSensorNode
class  FeatureArrayPacket
class  FeatureHistoryArrayPacket
class  FeatureNccScoresPacket
class  GenericData
struct  GenericDataReference
struct  GPSNodeChannelParams
class  IAsyncResetable
class  IChannelDebugConsumer
class  IChannelDebugProducer
class  IChannelPacket
class  IChannelPacketFactory
class  IChannelsConnectedListener
class  IContainsPreShutdownAction
class  ImageHandlePacket
struct  IMUNodeChannelParams
class  ISensorNode
class  ITypeBasedParameterProviderChild
 The additional interface a ParameterProvider can implement so it can be registered at a TypeBasedParameterProvider. More...
struct  ITypeInformation
class  JsonParameterProvider
 A parameter provider which retrieves parameter values from JSON data. More...
class  LatencyPacket
class  ManagedPortBase
class  ManagedPortInput
class  ManagedPortInputBase
class  ManagedPortOutput
class  ManagedPortOutputBase
class  Node
struct  NodeAllocationParams
class  NodeConcept
 The class only exists for documentation. More...
struct  packet_traits
struct  parameter_traits
class  ParameterCollectionDescriptor
 A collection of parameter descriptors. More...
class  ParameterDescriptor
 The description of a parameter. More...
class  ParameterDescriptorWithDefault
 The description of a parameter with a default value. More...
class  ParameterProvider
 The interface to access parameter values identified by name and/or (semantic) type. More...
class  Pass
 Pass is a runnable describes the metadata of a pass. More...
class  PassCollectionDescriptor
 A collection of pass descriptors. More...
class  PassDescriptor
 The description of a pass. More...
class  PassImpl
 PassImpl contains the function to invoke on run(). More...
class  PointCloudPacket
class  Port
class  PortBase
class  PortCollectionDescriptor
class  PortDescriptor
class  PortInput
class  PortOutput
class  PyramidImagePacket
struct  ReadProcessedDataFromChannel
struct  RegisteredPort
class  RegisteredPortInput
class  RegisteredPortOutput
class  SensorCommonImpl
class  SensorNode
struct  SensorServiceNodeRawData
class  SensorServiceNodeRawDataPacket
class  SimpleNode
class  SimpleNodeT
class  SimpleProcessNode
class  SimpleProcessNodeT
class  SimpleSensorNode
class  SimpleSensorNodeT
struct  SyncedPacketPayload
struct  SyncPortHelper
class  SyncPortHelperInput
class  SyncPortHelperOutput
class  TypeBasedParameterProvider
 A parameter provider which dispatches the retrieval of the parameter value to registered handlers which are selected based on the name, size, and optional array index of the parameter. More...
struct  TypeInformation
struct  VehicleStateNodeParams


using BufferFlags = uint32_t
using CalibrationExtrinsicProfileName = dw::core::FixedString< DW_MAX_EXTRINSIC_PROFILE_NAME_SIZE >
using CalibrationIntrinsicsString = dw::core::FixedString< 64 >
using CalibrationResultsString = dw::core::FixedString< 512 >
using ChannelOnRegisterTraceReader = dw::core::Function< ChannelTraceReadCallback(const char *channelID)>
using ChannelOnRegisterTraceWriter = dw::core::Function< ChannelTraceWriteCallback(const char *channelID)>
using ChannelPacketConstructor = dw::core::Function< std::unique_ptr< IChannelPacket >(GenericData dataSpecimen, dwContextHandle_t context)>
using ChannelPacketConstructorRegistration = std::pair< ChannelPacketConstructorSignature, ChannelPacketConstructor >
using ChannelPacketConstructorSignature = std::pair< ChannelPacketTypeID, ChannelType >
using ChannelPacketFactoryPtr = std::shared_ptr< IChannelPacketFactory >
using ChannelPacketTypeID = uint32_t
using ChannelParamStr = dw::core::FixedString< MAX_CHANNEL_PARAM_SIZE >
using ChannelTraceReadCallback = dw::core::Function< bool(ChannelTracePoint &)>
using ChannelTraceWriteCallback = dw::core::Function< void(ChannelTracePoint)>
using Connection = Connection { uint64_t srcNodeId
using CycleCountFetcher = dw::core::Function< uint32_t(void)>
using dwCalibratedExtrinsics = CalibratedExtrinsics { CalibrationExtrinsicProfileName extrinsicProfileName
using dwCalibratedIMUIntrinsics = CalibratedIMUIntrinsics { dwVector3f gyroscopeBias
using dwCalibratedSteeringProperties = CalibratedSteeringProperties { dwVehicleSteeringProperties steeringProperties
using dwCalibratedWheelRadii = CalibratedWheelRadii { float32_t currentWheelRadius[DW_VEHICLE_NUM_WHEELS]
using dwCameraIntrinsics = CameraIntrinsics { uint64_t sensorId
using dwCodecMetadata = dwCodecMetadata { dwCodecType codecType
using dwDetectorFovealParams = dwDetectorFovealParams { bool fovealEnable
using dwFeatureDetectorNodeParams = dwFeatureDetectorNodeParams { bool initForCamera
using dwFeatureDetectorNodeRuntimeParams = dwFeatureDetectorNodeRuntimeParams { uint8_t *d_mask
using dwFeatureTrackerNodeParams = dwFeatureTrackerNodeParams { bool initForCamera
using dwIcpNodeParams = dwIcpNodeParams { dwRigHandle_t rigHandle
using dwLidarPacketsArray = dwLidarPacketsArray { dwLidarDecodedPacket *packets
using dwLidarPose = dwLidarPose { dwTime_t timeStampNow
using dwPyramidNodeParams = dwPyramidNodeParams { uint32_t width
using dwRigNodeParams = dwRigNodeParams { bool serialization
using dwRoadCastNodeCalibrationData = dwRoadCastNodeCalibrationData { char sensorName[DW_MAX_RIG_SENSOR_NAME_SIZE]
using dwRoadCastNodeCalibrationDataArray = dwRoadCastNodeCalibrationDataArray { dwRoadCastNodeCalibrationData calibrationData[MAX_CALIBRATION_SENSORS]
using dwSensorNodeProperties = dwSensorNodeProperties { uint64_t sensorId
using dwSoftISPNodeParams = dwSoftISPNodeParams { cudaStream_t stream
using dwTraceCollectorNodeParams = dwTraceCollectorNodeParams { bool stmControlTracing
using dwTraceNodeData = dwTraceNodeData { size_t maxDataSize
using dwTraceNodeParams = dwTraceNodeParams { bool stmControlTracing
using OnSetSyncAttrs = dw::core::Function< void(NvSciSyncAttrList)>
template<typename T >
using UniquePacketPtr = typename ManagedPortInput< T >::UniquePacketPtr


enum class  BufferBackendType : uint32_t {
  CPU = 0 ,
  CUDA = 1
enum class  CameraIntrinsicsSource {
  RIG ,
enum class  ChannelConnectionType {
enum class  ChannelMode {
  FIFO ,
enum class  ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents : uint32_t {
  COMPONENT_CPU = 1 << 0 ,
  COMPONENT_EGL = 1 << 1 ,
  COMPONENT_CUDA = 1 << 2 ,
  COMPONENT_PVA = 1 << 3 ,
  COMPONENT_DLA = 1 << 4 ,
enum class  ChannelReach {
  REACH_NONE = 0 ,
enum class  ChannelRole : uint8_t {
enum class  ChannelTraceEventType {
  WAIT ,
  RECV ,
  DROP ,
  GET ,
  SEND ,
enum class  ChannelTraceMode {
enum class  ComputeGraphTraversalOrder {
enum class  DWChannelPacketTypeID {
enum class  dwFovealMode {
  OFF ,
  FULL ,
enum class  dwModeDnnROI {
  TOP ,
enum class  PortBinding : uint8_t {
  OPTIONAL = 0 ,
enum class  PortDirection : uint8_t {
  INPUT = 0 ,


bool BufferFlagsBackendEnabled (BufferFlags flags, BufferBackendType type)
void BufferFlagsEnableBackend (BufferFlags &flags, BufferBackendType type)
uint32_t ChannelTraceHashId (const char *id)
void ChannelTraceProcess (dw::core::span< ChannelTraceProcessParam > traces)
dwGraphErrorSignal convertToGraphErrorSignal (dwErrorSignal const &signal)
dwGraphHealthSignal convertToGraphHealthSignal (const dwHealthSignal &signal)
dwGraphHealthSignalArray convertToGraphHealthSignalArray (const dwHealthSignalArray &signalArray)
template<typename NodeT >
auto create (const ParameterProvider &provider) -> std::unique_ptr< NodeT >
template<typename NodeT >
NodeAllocationParams createAllocationParams ()
template<typename NodeT >
auto createConstructorArguments ()
 Create a tuple of constructor argument needed by the constructor of the passed node. More...
static Connection createInputOnly (uint64_t dstNodeId, uint8_t dstPortId, uint64_t channelId)
std::unique_ptr< NodecreateNode (const dw::core::StringView &className, ParameterProvider &provider)
static Connection createOutputOnly (uint64_t srcNodeId, uint8_t srcPortId, uint64_t channelId)
template<typename NodeT >
static ParameterCollectionDescriptor createParameterCollectionDescriptor ()
 Create a parameter collection descriptor for a give node. More...
template<typename NodeT >
static PassCollectionDescriptor createPassCollectionDescriptor ()
 Create a pass collection descriptor for a give node. More...
template<typename NodeT , PortDirection Direction, typename std::enable_if_t< Direction==PortDirection::INPUT, void > * = nullptr>
static PortCollectionDescriptor createPortCollectionDescriptor ()
template<typename T >
constexpr auto describeAbstractArrayParameter (dw::core::StringView const &&typeName, dw::core::StringView const &&parameterName, size_t arraySize)
template<typename T >
constexpr auto describeAbstractParameter (dw::core::StringView const &&typeName, dw::core::StringView const &&parameterName)
template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto describeArrayParameter (dw::core::StringView const &&typeName, dw::core::StringView const &&parameterName, size_t arraySize, const MemberPointers &&... memberPointers)
template<typename T , typename S , size_t ArraySize, typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto describeArrayParameterWithDefault (dw::core::StringView const &&typeName, dw::core::StringView const &&parameterName, std::array< T, ArraySize > defaultValue, const MemberPointers &&... memberPointers)
template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto describeConstructorArgument (const Args &&... args)
constexpr std::tuple describeConstructorArguments ()
template<typename Argument1T , typename Arg1 >
constexpr auto describeConstructorArguments (const Arg1 &&arg1)
template<typename Argument1T , typename Argument2T , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
constexpr auto describeConstructorArguments (const Arg1 &&arg1, const Arg2 &&arg2)
template<typename Argument1T , typename Argument2T , typename Argument3T , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 >
constexpr auto describeConstructorArguments (const Arg1 &&arg1, const Arg2 &&arg2, const Arg3 &&arg3)
template<typename Argument1T , typename Argument2T , typename Argument3T , typename Argument4T , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 , typename Arg4 >
constexpr auto describeConstructorArguments (const Arg1 &&arg1, const Arg2 &&arg2, const Arg3 &&arg3, const Arg4 &&arg4)
template<typename Argument1T , typename Argument2T , typename Argument3T , typename Argument4T , typename Argument5T , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 , typename Arg4 , typename Arg5 >
constexpr auto describeConstructorArguments (const Arg1 &&arg1, const Arg2 &&arg2, const Arg3 &&arg3, const Arg4 &&arg4, const Arg5 &&arg5)
template<typename EnumT >
constexpr auto describeEnumerator (dw::core::StringView const &&name, EnumT value)
 Describe an enumerator. More...
template<typename EnumT , typename... Args>
constexpr auto describeEnumeratorCollection (Args const &&... args)
 Describe the enumerators. More...
template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto describeIndexParameter (dw::core::StringView const &&typeName, dw::core::StringView const &&parameterName, const MemberPointers &&... memberPointers)
template<typename Node >
constexpr auto describeInputPorts ()
template<typename Node >
constexpr auto describeOutputPorts ()
template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto describeParameter (dw::core::StringView const &&typeName, dw::core::StringView const &&parameterName, const MemberPointers &&... memberPointers)
template<typename NodeT >
constexpr auto describeParameters ()
 Get described parameters for the passed node. More...
template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto describeParameterWithDefault (dw::core::StringView const &&typeName, dw::core::StringView const &&parameterName, T defaultValue, const MemberPointers &&... memberPointers)
constexpr std::tuple< dw::core::StringView, dwProcessorType > describePass (dw::core::StringView const &&name, dwProcessorType processorType)
template<typename DependenciesT >
constexpr auto describePass (dw::core::StringView const &&name, dwProcessorType processorType, DependenciesT dependencies) -> std::tuple< dw::core::StringView, dwProcessorType, DependenciesT >
template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto describePassCollection (const Args &&... args)
template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto describePassDependencies (const Args &&... args) -> std::array< dw::core::StringView, sizeof...(Args)>
template<typename Node >
constexpr auto describePasses ()
 Get described passes for the passed node. More...
template<typename PortType >
constexpr auto describePort (dw::core::StringView typeName, dw::core::StringView name, dw::core::StringView comment)
template<typename PortType >
constexpr auto describePort (dw::core::StringView typeName, dw::core::StringView name, PortBinding binding=PortBinding::OPTIONAL, dw::core::StringView comment=""_sv)
template<typename PortType , size_t ArraySize, typename std::enable_if_t< ArraySize !=0, void > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto describePortArray (dw::core::StringView typeName, dw::core::StringView name, dw::core::StringView comment)
template<typename PortType , size_t ArraySize, typename std::enable_if_t< ArraySize !=0, void > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto describePortArray (dw::core::StringView typeName, dw::core::StringView name, PortBinding binding=PortBinding::OPTIONAL, dw::core::StringView comment=""_sv)
template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto describePortCollection (Args &&... args)
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, typename std::enable_if_t< Direction==PortDirection::INPUT, void > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto describePorts ()
template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto describeUnnamedArrayParameter (dw::core::StringView const &&typeName, size_t arraySize, const MemberPointers &&... memberPointers)
template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto describeUnnamedParameter (dw::core::StringView const &&typeName, const MemberPointers &&... memberPointers)
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t PortIndex>
constexpr size_t descriptorIndex ()
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr bool descriptorPortArray ()
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr PortBinding descriptorPortBinding ()
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr dw::core::StringView descriptorPortComment ()
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr size_t descriptorPortSize ()
SyncedPacketPayloadextractSyncPacket (GenericData packet)
template<typename FixedStringT >
void getFixedStringParam (FixedStringT &param, ParameterProvider &provider, const char *key)
const PortCollectionDescriptorgetInputPorts (const dw::core::StringView &className)
dw::core::HeapVectorFixed< dw::core::StringView > getNodeNames ()
const PortCollectionDescriptorgetOutputPorts (const dw::core::StringView &className)
const ParameterCollectionDescriptorgetParameters (const dw::core::StringView &className)
const PassCollectionDescriptorgetPasses (const dw::core::StringView &className)
template<typename Node , size_t Index>
constexpr bool hasPassDependencies ()
 Check if a pass specifies explicit dependencies. More...
constexpr bool IsConsumer (ChannelRole role)
constexpr bool IsProducer (ChannelRole role)
template<typename Node >
constexpr bool isValidPass (dw::core::StringView identifier)
 Check if given string is a valid pass name. More...
template<typename Node >
constexpr bool isValidPass (std::size_t passID)
 Check if pass index is valid. More...
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr bool isValidPortIdentifier (StringView identifier)
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr bool isValidPortIndex (std::size_t portID)
template<typename T >
static GenericDataReference make_specimen (typename parameter_traits< T >::SpecimenT *specimen)
template<typename NodeT , class ConstructorArguments >
auto makeUniqueFromTuple (const ConstructorArguments &&constructorArguments) -> std::unique_ptr< NodeT >
 Instantiate a node using the passed constructor arguments. More...
template<typename EnumT >
auto mapEnumNameToValue (dw::core::StringView const &name) -> EnumT
 Get the enumerator value based on the name. More...
template<typename EnumT >
dw::core::StringView mapEnumValueToName (EnumT value)
 Get the enumerator name based on the value. More...
const char * nvSciGetErrorName (uint32_t error)
const char * nvSciGetEventName (uint32_t event)
constexpr ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents operator& (ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents a, ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents b)
constexpr ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents operator| (ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents a, ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents b)
template<typename NodeT >
constexpr std::size_t parameterSize ()
 Get the number of parameters for a given node. More...
template<typename... Others>
static void ParseAllChannelParameters (const ChannelParamStr &channelParams, Others &&... others)
template<typename T >
static T ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
ChannelConnectionType ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
ChannelReach ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
int64_t ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
size_t ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
uint32_t ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
uint16_t ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
bool ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
ChannelRole ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
ChannelType ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
ChannelMode ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value)
template<size_t Size>
void ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value, dw::core::FixedString< Size > &result)
template<typename T , size_t N>
void ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value, dw::core::VectorFixed< T, N > &result)
template<typename T >
void ParseChannelParameter (const ChannelParamStr &value, T &result)
static void ParseChannelParameters (const ChannelParamStr &, const ChannelParamStr &)
template<typename T , typename... Others>
static void ParseChannelParameters (const ChannelParamStr &key, const ChannelParamStr &value, const char *staticKey, T &result, Others &&... others)
template<typename Node , size_t Index, typename std::enable_if_t< hasPassDependencies< Node, Index >(), void > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto passDependencies ()
 Get the dependencies of a pass. More...
template<typename Node >
constexpr size_t passIndex (dw::core::StringView identifier)
 Get the the pass index for a pass identified by name. More...
template<typename Node , size_t Index>
constexpr dw::core::StringView passName ()
 Get the name of a pass. More...
template<typename Node , size_t Index>
constexpr dwProcessorType passProcessorType ()
 Get the processor type of a pass. More...
template<typename Node >
constexpr std::size_t passSize ()
 Get the number of passes of the passed node. More...
template<typename NodeT , class ConstructorArguments , typename std::enable_if_t< std::tuple_size< ConstructorArguments >()==1, void > * = nullptr>
void populateParameters (ConstructorArguments &constructorArguments, const ParameterProvider &provider)
 Populate the constructor arguments using values from the parameter provider. More...
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr size_t portArraySize (StringView identifier)
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr size_t portDescriptorIndex (StringView identifier)
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr std::size_t portDescriptorSize ()
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr auto portDescriptorType ()
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr size_t portIndex (StringView identifier)
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr std::size_t portSize ()
template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t PortIndex>
constexpr auto portType ()
template<typename NodeT >
void registerNode (const char *className)
static const char * ToParam (ChannelType channelType)


dwVector3f accelerometerBias
uint32_t accumulatorDownsampleFactor
static constexpr char CALIBRATION_ACCEPTED_STATE_STRING [] = "accepted"
static constexpr char CALIBRATION_FAILED_STATE_STRING [] = "failed"
static constexpr char CALIBRATION_INVALID_STATE_STRING [] = "invalid"
static constexpr char CALIBRATION_NOT_ACCEPTED_STATE_STRING [] = "not-accepted"
char8_t const * calibrationOutputFileName
char8_t const * calibrationOverlayFileName
bool calibrationStateChanged
bool cameraSensorEnabled [framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_CAMERAS]
std::uint32_t cameraSensorRigIndices [framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_CAMERAS]
uint64_t channelId
uint32_t channelMask
static constexpr dwTime_t CHN_WAIT_TIMEOUT_US = 50'000'000
dwCodecConfigVideo configVideo
const uint64_t CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1)
uint32_t count
dwRect cropRegion
cudaStream_t cudaStream
cupvaStream_t cupvastream
 Data Type of pyramid. More...
dwTransformation3f currentSensor2Rig
uint8_t * data
size_t dataSize
dwTrivialDataType dataType = dwTrivialDataType::DW_TYPE_FLOAT32
 Number of levels in the pyramid. More...
dwSoftISPDemosaicMethod demosaicMethod
dwSoftISPDenoiseMethod denoiseMethod
bool diskIOStatsEnabled
uint64_t dstNodeId
uint8_t dstPortId
dwFeature2DDetectorConfig dwDetectorParams
constexpr uint32_t DWFRAMEWORK_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES = 0x400
constexpr ChannelPacketTypeID DWFRAMEWORK_PACKET_ID_DEFAULT = 0U
constexpr uint32_t DWFRAMEWORK_SYNCED_PACKET_TYPE_ID_OFFSET = 0x80000000
dwFeature2DTrackerConfig dwTrackerParams
bool enable
bool enabled
dwTransformation3f extrinsic
char extrinsicProfileName [DW_MAX_EXTRINSIC_PROFILE_NAME_SIZE]
CalibratedExtrinsics extrinsics
bool fileBackendEnabled
std::string filePath
dwFovealMode fovealMode
bool ftraceBackendEnabled
bool fullMemUsage
uint32_t height
 Width of level 0. More...
bool imuSensorEnabled
std::uint32_t imuSensorRigIndices
dwCameraModelHandle_t intrinsic
dwFThetaCameraConfigNew intrinsics
CameraIntrinsicsSource intrinsicsSource
std::string ipAddr
uint32_t levelCount
 Height of level 0. More...
bool lidarICPUsesEgomotion
uint32_t lidarMaxICPIterations
dwLidarProperties lidarProps
bool lidarSensorEnabled [framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_LIDARS]
std::uint32_t lidarSensorRigIndices [framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_LIDARS]
dwCalibrationManeuverArray maneuvers
uint32_t maskHeight
uint32_t maskStrideBytes
uint32_t maskWidth
static constexpr uint16_t MAX_CHANNEL_ALL_PARAMS_SIZE = 256
static constexpr uint16_t MAX_CHANNEL_CONSUMERS_COUNT = 256
static constexpr uint16_t MAX_CHANNEL_PARAM_SIZE = 256
static constexpr uint16_t MAX_CHANNEL_PRODUCERS_COUNT = 1024
static constexpr uint32_t MAX_INPUT_TRACE_PORTS = 16
static constexpr uint32_t MAX_LIDAR_STITCHER_PORT_NUM = 8
static constexpr size_t MAX_PORT_DESCRIPTOR_PER_COLLECTION {256U}
uint32_t maxFileSizeMB
size_t maxPacketsPerSpin
size_t maxPointsPerPacket
uint32_t maxTracesPerChPerEpoch
bool memTraceEnabled
bool networkBackendEnabled
bool nvtxBackendEnabled
size_t packetSize
static constexpr size_t PARAMETER_ARRAY_SIZE {5U}
static constexpr size_t PARAMETER_DEFAULT_VALUE {7U}
static constexpr size_t PARAMETER_IS_INDEX {4U}
static constexpr size_t PARAMETER_MEMBER_PTRS {6U}
static constexpr size_t PARAMETER_NAME {1U}
static constexpr size_t PARAMETER_SEMANTIC_TYPE {3U}
static constexpr size_t PARAMETER_TYPE {2U}
static constexpr size_t PARAMETER_TYPE_NAME {0U}
static constexpr size_t PASS_DEPENDENCIES {2U}
static constexpr size_t PASS_NAME {0U}
static constexpr size_t PASS_PROCESSOR_TYPE {1U}
dwLidarPointRTHI * pointsRTHIArray
dwLidarPointXYZI * pointsXYZIArray
static constexpr size_t PORT_ARRAY_SIZE {3U}
static constexpr size_t PORT_BINDING {4U}
static constexpr size_t PORT_COMMENT {5U}
static constexpr size_t PORT_NAME {1U}
static constexpr size_t PORT_TYPE {2U}
static constexpr size_t PORT_TYPE_NAME {0U}
dwTransformation3f pose
dwCalibrationSensorPositionState positionState
bool positionStateChanged
int32_t processMask
dwCalibrationProperties properties
bool radarSensorEnabled [framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_RADARS]
std::uint32_t radarSensorRigIndices [framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_RADARS]
static constexpr uint8_t RIG_NODE_MAX_IMUS = 1U
dwRigHandle_t rigHandle
char8_t const * rigOutputFileName
dwRect ROI
dwVector2f scales
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_CAMERAS = 9
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_IMU = 1
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_LIDARS = 8
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_RADARS = 9
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_VEHICLEIO = 1
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_WHEELS = 4
static constexpr char SELF_CALIBRATION_TAG [] = "self-calibration"
uint32_t sensorID
uint32_t sensorIndex
dwTransformation3f sensorToRig
uint16_t serverPort
uint8_t srcPortId
dwCalibrationStatus status
cudaStream_t stream
dwTime_t timestamp
dwTime_t timeStampBefore
dwTonemapMethod tonemapMethod
uint32_t tracingLevel
bool validAccelerometerBias
bool validGyroscopeBias

Class Documentation

◆ dw::framework::BufferProperties

struct dw::framework::BufferProperties
Class Members
size_t byteSize
BufferFlags enabledBackends

◆ dw::framework::ChannelPacketFingerprint

struct dw::framework::ChannelPacketFingerprint
Class Members
uint32_t bufferID
uint32_t channelID
uint32_t getID

◆ dw::framework::ChannelTracePoint

struct dw::framework::ChannelTracePoint
Collaboration diagram for dw::framework::ChannelTracePoint:
Class Members
ChannelTraceEventType eventType

The type of the event recorded in this trace point.

ChannelPacketFingerprint packetFingerprint

The fingerprint of the packet involved in the event

dwStatus status

The status returned to the client (for events involving client interaction)

◆ dw::framework::ChannelTraceProcessParam

struct dw::framework::ChannelTraceProcessParam
Class Members
uint32_t channelID

The trace ID of the channel to be processed.

ChannelTraceReadCallback input

Iterator to read the recorded traces of the channel to be processed.

ChannelTraceWriteCallback output

Iterator to write the replayable traces of the channel to be processed.

◆ dw::framework::dwFeatureNccScores

struct dw::framework::dwFeatureNccScores
Class Members
float32_t * d_nccScores
uint32_t size

◆ dw::framework::dwGlobalEgomotionNodeInitParams

struct dw::framework::dwGlobalEgomotionNodeInitParams
Class Members
const char * gpsSensorName
uint32_t historySize
dwConstRigHandle_t rigHandle

◆ dw::framework::dwGPSNodeParams

struct dw::framework::dwGPSNodeParams
Class Members
bool inputModeVal
dwConstRigHandle_t rigHandle
const char * sensorName

◆ dw::framework::dwIMUNodeParams

struct dw::framework::dwIMUNodeParams
Class Members
bool inputModeVal
dwConstRigHandle_t rigHandle
const char * sensorName

◆ dw::framework::dwLatency

struct dw::framework::dwLatency
Class Members
uint8_t * data
uint64_t senderTime
size_t size

◆ dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudStitcherNodeParams

struct dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudStitcherNodeParams
Class Members
dwTransformation3f lidar2RigDefault[MAX_LIDAR_STITCHER_PORT_NUM]
dwLidarProperties lidarProperties[MAX_LIDAR_STITCHER_PORT_NUM]
dwMemoryType memoryType
dwPointCloudFormat outputFormat
cudaStream_t stream

◆ dw::framework::dwPointCloudAccumulatorNodeParams

struct dw::framework::dwPointCloudAccumulatorNodeParams
Class Members
cudaStream_t cudaStream
dwEgomotionParameters egomotionParams
bool enableEgomotionCompensation
dwLidarProperties lidarProperties
dwPointCloudAccumulatorParams pointCloudAccuParams
bool throttlePipeline

◆ dw::framework::dwRadarDopplerMotionNodeParams

struct dw::framework::dwRadarDopplerMotionNodeParams
Class Members
cudaStream_t cudaStream
bool enable

◆ dw::framework::dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNodeInitParams

struct dw::framework::dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNodeInitParams
Class Members
bool automaticUpdate
bool enableSuspension
bool estimateInitialOrientation
uint32_t historySize
const char * imuSensorName
dwEgomotionLinearAccelerationFilterParams linearAccelerationFilterParameters
dwMotionModel motionModel
dwConstRigHandle_t rigHandle
dwEgomotionSpeedMeasurementType speedMeasurementType
const char * vehicleSensorName

◆ dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNodeCameraParams

struct dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNodeCameraParams
Class Members
uint32_t calibrationMethod
uint32_t calibrationSignals
dwCameraModelHandle_t cameraHandle
dwCameraProperties cameraProps
cudaStream_t cudaStream
bool sensorEnabledCalibrationMask
bool sensorEnabledGlobally
uint32_t sensorIndex
uint32_t trackerMaxFeatureCount
uint32_t trackerMaxHistorySize

◆ dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNodeLidarParams

struct dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNodeLidarParams
Class Members
cudaStream_t cudaStream
dwLidarProperties lidarProps
bool sensorEnabledCalibrationMask
bool sensorEnabledGlobally
uint32_t sensorIndex

◆ dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNodeParam

struct dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNodeParam
Collaboration diagram for dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNodeParam:
Class Members
uint32_t accumulatorDownsampleFactor
bool calibrateIMU
int32_t calibrateOdometryPropertyRadar
bool calibrateVehicle
dwSelfCalibrationNodeCameraParams cameraParams[SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_CAMERAS]
uint32_t channelFifoSize
bool enforceDependencies
bool lidarHandEyeUsesEgomotion
uint32_t lidarMaxICPIterations
dwSelfCalibrationNodeLidarParams lidarParams[SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_LIDARS]
dwSelfCalibrationNodeRadarParams radarParams[SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_RADARS]
dwRigHandle_t rigHandle

◆ dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNodeRadarParams

struct dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNodeRadarParams
Class Members
cudaStream_t cudaStream
uint32_t maxDisplayPoints
dwRadarProperties radarProps
bool sensorEnabledCalibrationMask
bool sensorEnabledGlobally
uint32_t sensorIndex

◆ dw::framework::dwSensorDrainerParams

struct dw::framework::dwSensorDrainerParams
Class Members
dwTime_t blockingTimeout
bool drainStaleData
bool isLockstep
bool isVirtual
const char * nodeName
dwTime_t nonBlockingTimeout
bool waitForNewData

◆ dw::framework::dwSensorNodeRawData

struct dw::framework::dwSensorNodeRawData
Class Members
uint8_t * data
size_t size

◆ dw::framework::GenericDataReference

struct dw::framework::GenericDataReference
Collaboration diagram for dw::framework::GenericDataReference:
Class Members
GenericData data
ChannelPacketTypeID packetTypeID
shared_ptr< void > pCopy
OnSetSyncAttrs setSignalerAttributes
OnSetSyncAttrs setWaiterAttributes
size_t typeSize

◆ dw::framework::GPSNodeChannelParams

struct dw::framework::GPSNodeChannelParams
Class Members
dwConstRigHandle_t rigHandle
const char * sensorName

◆ dw::framework::IMUNodeChannelParams

struct dw::framework::IMUNodeChannelParams
Class Members
dwConstRigHandle_t rigHandle
const char * sensorName

◆ dw::framework::NodeAllocationParams

struct dw::framework::NodeAllocationParams
Class Members
size_t maxInputPortCount
size_t maxOutputPortCount
size_t maxPassCount

◆ dw::framework::packet_traits

struct dw::framework::packet_traits

◆ dw::framework::SensorServiceNodeRawData

struct dw::framework::SensorServiceNodeRawData
Class Members
uint8_t * data
size_t size

◆ dw::framework::SyncedPacketPayload

struct dw::framework::SyncedPacketPayload
Collaboration diagram for dw::framework::SyncedPacketPayload:
Class Members
GenericData data
uint32_t syncCount

◆ dw::framework::VehicleStateNodeParams

struct dw::framework::VehicleStateNodeParams
Class Members
bool external
bool legacyExternal
bool legacyInternal
dwConstRigHandle_t rigHandle
const char * sensorName
bool vioStateRcEnabled

Typedef Documentation

◆ BufferFlags

using dw::framework::BufferFlags = typedef uint32_t

Definition at line 52 of file Buffer.hpp.

◆ CalibrationExtrinsicProfileName

using dw::framework::CalibrationExtrinsicProfileName = typedef dw::core::FixedString<DW_MAX_EXTRINSIC_PROFILE_NAME_SIZE>

Definition at line 74 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ CalibrationIntrinsicsString

using dw::framework::CalibrationIntrinsicsString = typedef dw::core::FixedString<64>

Definition at line 73 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ CalibrationResultsString

using dw::framework::CalibrationResultsString = typedef dw::core::FixedString<512>

Definition at line 72 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ ChannelOnRegisterTraceReader

using dw::framework::ChannelOnRegisterTraceReader = typedef dw::core::Function<ChannelTraceReadCallback(const char* channelID)>

Callback used by channel to register its need to read trace points.

[in]channelID- the id of the channel requesting a callback to read tracepoints.
the callback to read tracepoints for the channel with id channelID.

Definition at line 165 of file ChannelTrace.hpp.

◆ ChannelOnRegisterTraceWriter

using dw::framework::ChannelOnRegisterTraceWriter = typedef dw::core::Function<ChannelTraceWriteCallback(const char* channelID)>

Callback used by channel to register its need to write trace points.

[in]channelID- the id of the channel requesting a callback to write tracepoints.
the callback to write tracepoints for the channel with id channelID.

Definition at line 158 of file ChannelTrace.hpp.

◆ ChannelPacketConstructor

using dw::framework::ChannelPacketConstructor = typedef dw::core::Function<std::unique_ptr<IChannelPacket>(GenericData dataSpecimen, dwContextHandle_t context)>

Definition at line 44 of file ChannelFactory.hpp.

◆ ChannelPacketConstructorRegistration

◆ ChannelPacketConstructorSignature

◆ ChannelPacketFactoryPtr

Definition at line 248 of file IChannelPacket.hpp.

◆ ChannelPacketTypeID

using dw::framework::ChannelPacketTypeID = typedef uint32_t

Definition at line 129 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ ChannelParamStr

using dw::framework::ChannelParamStr = typedef dw::core::FixedString<MAX_CHANNEL_PARAM_SIZE>

Definition at line 112 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ChannelTraceReadCallback

using dw::framework::ChannelTraceReadCallback = typedef dw::core::Function<bool(ChannelTracePoint&)>

Callback used by channel to read a tracepoint. Upstream application must implement this callback uniquely for each channel to replay traces.

true if tracepoint was successfully read and false otherwise.

Definition at line 151 of file ChannelTrace.hpp.

◆ ChannelTraceWriteCallback

using dw::framework::ChannelTraceWriteCallback = typedef dw::core::Function<void(ChannelTracePoint)>

Callback used by channel to write a tracepoint. Upstream application must implement this callback uniquely for each channel to record traces.

Definition at line 144 of file ChannelTrace.hpp.

◆ ChannelType


Definition at line 50 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ Connection

using dw::framework::Connection = typedef Connection { uint64_t srcNodeId

Definition at line 43 of file Connection.hpp.

◆ CycleCountFetcher

using dw::framework::CycleCountFetcher = typedef dw::core::Function<uint32_t(void)>

Definition at line 42 of file SyncPortHelper.hpp.

◆ dwCalibratedExtrinsics

◆ dwCalibratedIMUIntrinsics

using dw::framework::dwCalibratedIMUIntrinsics = typedef CalibratedIMUIntrinsics { dwVector3f gyroscopeBias

Definition at line 104 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ dwCalibratedSteeringProperties

using dw::framework::dwCalibratedSteeringProperties = typedef CalibratedSteeringProperties { dwVehicleSteeringProperties steeringProperties

Definition at line 96 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ dwCalibratedWheelRadii

using dw::framework::dwCalibratedWheelRadii = typedef CalibratedWheelRadii { float32_t currentWheelRadius[DW_VEHICLE_NUM_WHEELS]

Definition at line 88 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ dwCameraIntrinsics

using dw::framework::dwCameraIntrinsics = typedef CameraIntrinsics { uint64_t sensorId

Definition at line 60 of file SensorCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ dwCodecMetadata

using dw::framework::dwCodecMetadata = typedef dwCodecMetadata { dwCodecType codecType

Definition at line 111 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ dwDetectorFovealParams

Definition at line 73 of file DetectorTypes.hpp.

◆ dwFeatureDetectorNodeParams

Definition at line 62 of file dwFeatureDetectorNode.hpp.

◆ dwFeatureDetectorNodeRuntimeParams

◆ dwFeatureTrackerNodeParams

Definition at line 53 of file dwFeatureTrackerNode.hpp.

◆ dwIcpNodeParams

using dw::framework::dwIcpNodeParams = typedef dwIcpNodeParams { dwRigHandle_t rigHandle

Definition at line 51 of file dwIcpNode.hpp.

◆ dwLidarPacketsArray

using dw::framework::dwLidarPacketsArray = typedef dwLidarPacketsArray { dwLidarDecodedPacket* packets

Definition at line 94 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ dwLidarPose

using dw::framework::dwLidarPose = typedef dwLidarPose { dwTime_t timeStampNow

Definition at line 41 of file PointCloudProcessingCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ dwPyramidNodeParams

using dw::framework::dwPyramidNodeParams = typedef dwPyramidNodeParams { uint32_t width

Definition at line 55 of file dwPyramidNode.hpp.

◆ dwRigNodeParams

using dw::framework::dwRigNodeParams = typedef dwRigNodeParams { bool serialization

Definition at line 58 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

◆ dwRoadCastNodeCalibrationData

using dw::framework::dwRoadCastNodeCalibrationData = typedef dwRoadCastNodeCalibrationData { char sensorName[DW_MAX_RIG_SENSOR_NAME_SIZE]

Definition at line 46 of file DwRoadCastCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ dwRoadCastNodeCalibrationDataArray

◆ dwSensorNodeProperties

Definition at line 48 of file SensorCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ dwSoftISPNodeParams

Definition at line 48 of file dwSoftISPNode.hpp.

◆ dwTraceCollectorNodeParams

Definition at line 49 of file dwTraceCollectorNode.hpp.

◆ dwTraceNodeData

using dw::framework::dwTraceNodeData = typedef dwTraceNodeData { size_t maxDataSize

Definition at line 104 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ dwTraceNodeParams

using dw::framework::dwTraceNodeParams = typedef dwTraceNodeParams { bool stmControlTracing

Definition at line 48 of file dwTraceNode.hpp.

◆ OnSetSyncAttrs

using dw::framework::OnSetSyncAttrs = typedef dw::core::Function<void(NvSciSyncAttrList)>

Function signature to call back to the application to set the sync attributes when needed.

Definition at line 176 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ UniquePacketPtr

template<typename T >
using dw::framework::UniquePacketPtr = typedef typename ManagedPortInput<T>::UniquePacketPtr

Definition at line 510 of file ManagedPort.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BufferBackendType

enum class dw::framework::BufferBackendType : uint32_t

Definition at line 45 of file Buffer.hpp.

◆ CameraIntrinsicsSource


Definition at line 54 of file SensorCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ ChannelConnectionType


Definition at line 140 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ChannelMode

enum class dw::framework::ChannelMode

Definition at line 114 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents


Definition at line 127 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ChannelReach

enum class dw::framework::ChannelReach

Definition at line 150 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ChannelRole

enum class dw::framework::ChannelRole : uint8_t

Definition at line 89 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ChannelTraceEventType


Definition at line 43 of file ChannelTrace.hpp.

◆ ChannelTraceMode

A channel is created with a particular mode for these traces.


No traces enabled.


Traces will be recorded.


Traces will be read and enforced by the channel. Here enforcement of a trace means:

  • Channel will verify that call order of its APIs is identical to what is read from previously recorded trace.
  • Channel will ensure that the result of each call is identical to what is read from previously recorded trace.
  • If the Channel is unable to replay the trace due to detected incompatibility with the trace, exceptions will be thrown.
  • For example, assume a client of consumer mailbox channel received packets A, B, dropped C, and D and this information was captured in a trace. Replaying the trace, it will verify that the consumer client makes the calls to receive packets A, B, and D. If the consumer tries to receive packet D before it is arrived, it will block. If the producer sends B before A is received by client, A will not be dropped. Also if the producer tries to produce a packet before consumers have released it, it will block.

Definition at line 109 of file ChannelTrace.hpp.

◆ ComputeGraphTraversalOrder


Definition at line 195 of file ComputeGraphImpl.hpp.

◆ DWChannelPacketTypeID


Definition at line 160 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ dwFovealMode

enum class dw::framework::dwFovealMode

Definition at line 42 of file DetectorTypes.hpp.

◆ dwModeDnnROI

enum class dw::framework::dwModeDnnROI

ROI mode for detector input from original input image. Horizontal rows of the input image may differ based on FPS setting.

  • 30fps: 1920x1208, use MIDDLE as default
  • 36fps: 1920x1008, use BOTTOM as default

Definition at line 66 of file DetectorTypes.hpp.

◆ PortBinding

enum class dw::framework::PortBinding : uint8_t

Definition at line 76 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ PortDirection

enum class dw::framework::PortDirection : uint8_t

Definition at line 47 of file Port.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ BufferFlagsBackendEnabled()

bool dw::framework::BufferFlagsBackendEnabled ( BufferFlags  flags,
BufferBackendType  type 

Definition at line 54 of file Buffer.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::Buffer::Buffer().

◆ BufferFlagsEnableBackend()

void dw::framework::BufferFlagsEnableBackend ( BufferFlags flags,
BufferBackendType  type 

Definition at line 59 of file Buffer.hpp.

◆ ChannelTraceHashId()

uint32_t dw::framework::ChannelTraceHashId ( const char *  id)
the hashed value of an id.

◆ ChannelTraceProcess()

void dw::framework::ChannelTraceProcess ( dw::core::span< ChannelTraceProcessParam traces)

Process recorded traces from a set of interconnected producers/consumers into a replayable format. For every SEND event: find the corresponding RECV events. When replaying, place the corresponding RECV events for a SEND event immediately before the SEND event. Also, replace the channelID field of the RECV packet fingerprints with the channelID of the corresponding trace log it appears. For example: If producer A sends packet 0 and 1 to consumers B and C. B receives 0 and 1, C receives only 1. The recording of the trace events will look like so: In A's trace record: SEND, A, 0 SEND, A, 1

In B's trace replay: RECV, A, 0 RECV, A, 1

In C's trace replay: RECV, A, 1

After processing with this function, replaying the trace will look like so In A's trace replay: RECV, B, 0 SEND, A, 0 RECV, B, 1 RECV, C, 1 SEND, A, 1

In B's trace replay: RECV, A, 0 RECV, A, 1

In C's trace replay: RECV, A, 1

This allows replay channel to set mask of which consumers a packet should be sent to.

RECV,GET,RELEASE event: copy it to the replay.

DROPS are removed as they are ignored in replay.

[in,out]tracesthe traces to be processed into replay state

◆ convertToGraphErrorSignal()

dwGraphErrorSignal dw::framework::convertToGraphErrorSignal ( dwErrorSignal const &  signal)

◆ convertToGraphHealthSignal()

dwGraphHealthSignal dw::framework::convertToGraphHealthSignal ( const dwHealthSignal &  signal)

◆ convertToGraphHealthSignalArray()

dwGraphHealthSignalArray dw::framework::convertToGraphHealthSignalArray ( const dwHealthSignalArray &  signalArray)

◆ create()

template<typename NodeT >
auto dw::framework::create ( const ParameterProvider provider) -> std::unique_ptr<NodeT>

Instantiate a node using parameters from the passed provider.

Syntactic sugar chaining the following calls:

Definition at line 948 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ createAllocationParams()

◆ createConstructorArguments()

template<typename NodeT >
auto dw::framework::createConstructorArguments ( )

Create a tuple of constructor argument needed by the constructor of the passed node.

Definition at line 912 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ createInputOnly()

static Connection dw::framework::createInputOnly ( uint64_t  dstNodeId,
uint8_t  dstPortId,
uint64_t  channelId 

Definition at line 50 of file Connection.hpp.

References channelId, CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED, dstNodeId, and dstPortId.

◆ createNode()

std::unique_ptr< Node > dw::framework::createNode ( const dw::core::StringView &  className,
ParameterProvider provider 

◆ createOutputOnly()

static Connection dw::framework::createOutputOnly ( uint64_t  srcNodeId,
uint8_t  srcPortId,
uint64_t  channelId 

Definition at line 63 of file Connection.hpp.

References channelId, CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED, and srcPortId.

◆ createParameterCollectionDescriptor()

template<typename NodeT >
static ParameterCollectionDescriptor dw::framework::createParameterCollectionDescriptor ( )

Create a parameter collection descriptor for a give node.

Definition at line 294 of file ParameterCollectionDescriptor.hpp.

References dw::framework::ParameterCollectionDescriptor::addDescriptors().

◆ createPassCollectionDescriptor()

template<typename NodeT >
static PassCollectionDescriptor dw::framework::createPassCollectionDescriptor ( )

Create a pass collection descriptor for a give node.

Definition at line 159 of file PassCollectionDescriptor.hpp.

◆ createPortCollectionDescriptor()

template<typename NodeT , PortDirection Direction, typename std::enable_if_t< Direction==PortDirection::INPUT, void > * = nullptr>
static PortCollectionDescriptor dw::framework::createPortCollectionDescriptor ( )

Definition at line 158 of file PortCollectionDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeAbstractArrayParameter()

template<typename T >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeAbstractArrayParameter ( dw::core::StringView const &&  typeName,
dw::core::StringView const &&  parameterName,
size_t  arraySize 

Describe an abstract array parameter.

The values aren't stored anywhere automatically but the nodes create() function should retrieve the parameters from the provider and use custom logic to use the values.

Definition at line 297 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeAbstractParameter()

template<typename T >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeAbstractParameter ( dw::core::StringView const &&  typeName,
dw::core::StringView const &&  parameterName 

Describe an abstract parameter.

The value isn't stored anywhere automatically but the nodes create() function should retrieve the parameter from the provider and use custom logic to use the value.

Definition at line 279 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeArrayParameter()

template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeArrayParameter ( dw::core::StringView const &&  typeName,
dw::core::StringView const &&  parameterName,
size_t  arraySize,
const MemberPointers &&...  memberPointers 

Describe an array parameter.

Regarding the member pointers see describeParameter().

Definition at line 358 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeArrayParameterWithDefault()

template<typename T , typename S , size_t ArraySize, typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeArrayParameterWithDefault ( dw::core::StringView const &&  typeName,
dw::core::StringView const &&  parameterName,
std::array< T, ArraySize >  defaultValue,
const MemberPointers &&...  memberPointers 

Describe an array parameter with a default value.

See describeArrayParameter().

Definition at line 474 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeConstructorArgument()

template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeConstructorArgument ( const Args &&...  args)

Describe a specific constructor argument of a node.

The function is used to create the arguments for describeConstructorArguments(). Each argument of the function is created by one of the describe parameter functions below.

Definition at line 195 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudAccumulatorNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudStitcherNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwRadarDopplerMotionNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwTraceCollectorNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwTraceNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwGlobalEgomotionNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwFeatureDetectorNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwFeatureDetectorPVANode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwFeatureTrackerNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwPyramidNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwPyramidPVANode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwCameraNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwGPSChannelNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwGPSNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwIMUChannelNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwIMUNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwLidarBatchNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwLidarNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwRadarChannelNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwRadarNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicChannelNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicNode::describeParameters(), dw::framework::dwVehicleStateChannelNode::describeParameters(), and dw::framework::dwVehicleStateNode::describeParameters().

◆ describeConstructorArguments() [1/6]

constexpr std::tuple dw::framework::describeConstructorArguments ( )

Describe the constructor arguments of a node.

The function is used to implement NodeConcept::describeParameters(). Each argument of the function is created by describeConstructorArgument().

Definition at line 58 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudAccumulatorNode::describeParameters().

◆ describeConstructorArguments() [2/6]

template<typename Argument1T , typename Arg1 >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeConstructorArguments ( const Arg1 &&  arg1)

Describe the constructor arguments of a node.

The function is used to implement NodeConcept::describeParameters(). Each argument of the function is created by describeConstructorArgument().

Definition at line 74 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeConstructorArguments() [3/6]

template<typename Argument1T , typename Argument2T , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeConstructorArguments ( const Arg1 &&  arg1,
const Arg2 &&  arg2 

Describe the constructor arguments of a node.

The function is used to implement NodeConcept::describeParameters(). Each argument of the function is created by describeConstructorArgument().

Definition at line 93 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeConstructorArguments() [4/6]

template<typename Argument1T , typename Argument2T , typename Argument3T , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeConstructorArguments ( const Arg1 &&  arg1,
const Arg2 &&  arg2,
const Arg3 &&  arg3 

Describe the constructor arguments of a node.

The function is used to implement NodeConcept::describeParameters(). Each argument of the function is created by describeConstructorArgument().

Definition at line 115 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeConstructorArguments() [5/6]

template<typename Argument1T , typename Argument2T , typename Argument3T , typename Argument4T , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 , typename Arg4 >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeConstructorArguments ( const Arg1 &&  arg1,
const Arg2 &&  arg2,
const Arg3 &&  arg3,
const Arg4 &&  arg4 

Describe the constructor arguments of a node.

The function is used to implement NodeConcept::describeParameters(). Each argument of the function is created by describeConstructorArgument().

Definition at line 140 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeConstructorArguments() [6/6]

template<typename Argument1T , typename Argument2T , typename Argument3T , typename Argument4T , typename Argument5T , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 , typename Arg4 , typename Arg5 >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeConstructorArguments ( const Arg1 &&  arg1,
const Arg2 &&  arg2,
const Arg3 &&  arg3,
const Arg4 &&  arg4,
const Arg5 &&  arg5 

Describe the constructor arguments of a node.

The function is used to implement NodeConcept::describeParameters(). Each argument of the function is created by describeConstructorArgument().

Definition at line 168 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeEnumerator()

template<typename EnumT >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeEnumerator ( dw::core::StringView const &&  name,
EnumT  value 

Describe an enumerator.

This function is used to create arguments for describeEnumeratorCollection(). To avoid having to specify both explicitly - the enumerator name as well as the value - the macro DW_DESCRIBE_ENUMERATOR() is used.

[in]nameThe enumerator name
[in]valueThe enumerator value
The pair with the enumerator name and value

Definition at line 123 of file EnumDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeEnumeratorCollection()

template<typename EnumT , typename... Args>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeEnumeratorCollection ( Args const &&...  args)

Describe the enumerators.

This function is used in specializations of EnumDescription::get() to describe all enumerators.

argsEach argument describes an enumerator created by describeEnumerator()
The array of enumerators

Definition at line 105 of file EnumDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeIndexParameter()

template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeIndexParameter ( dw::core::StringView const &&  typeName,
dw::core::StringView const &&  parameterName,
const MemberPointers &&...  memberPointers 

Describe an index parameter.

The value represent an index which is used to retrieve a specific item from an array parameter identified by the semantic type. Regarding the member pointers see describeParameter().

Definition at line 327 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeInputPorts()

template<typename Node >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeInputPorts ( )

Definition at line 148 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

References describeInputPorts().

Referenced by describeInputPorts().

◆ describeOutputPorts()

template<typename Node >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeOutputPorts ( )

Definition at line 154 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

References describeOutputPorts().

Referenced by describeOutputPorts().

◆ describeParameter()

template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeParameter ( dw::core::StringView const &&  typeName,
dw::core::StringView const &&  parameterName,
const MemberPointers &&...  memberPointers 

Describe a parameter.

The value is stored within the constructor argument where this parameter is described in (see describeConstructorArgument()). When no member pointers are provided the value is stored directly in the constructor argument. When one member pointer is provided the value is stored in that member of the constructor argument. When more than one member pointer is provided the value is stored in the recursive member of the constructor argument.

Definition at line 248 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeParameters()

template<typename NodeT >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeParameters ( )

Get described parameters for the passed node.

Definition at line 491 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

References describeParameters().

Referenced by describeParameters().

◆ describeParameterWithDefault()

template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeParameterWithDefault ( dw::core::StringView const &&  typeName,
dw::core::StringView const &&  parameterName,
const MemberPointers &&...  memberPointers 

Describe a parameter with a default value.

See describeParameter().

Definition at line 443 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describePass() [1/2]

constexpr std::tuple< dw::core::StringView, dwProcessorType > dw::framework::describePass ( dw::core::StringView const &&  name,
dwProcessorType  processorType 

Describe a specific pass of a node.

The function is used to create the arguments for describePassCollection().

Definition at line 75 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudAccumulatorNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudStitcherNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRadarDopplerMotionNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRigNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwTraceCollectorNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwTraceNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwGlobalEgomotionNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwFeatureDetectorNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwFeatureDetectorPVANode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwFeatureTrackerNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwPyramidNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwPyramidPVANode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwCameraNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwGPSChannelNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwGPSNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwIMUChannelNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwIMUNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwLidarBatchNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwLidarNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRadarChannelNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRadarNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicChannelNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwVehicleStateChannelNode::describePasses(), and dw::framework::dwVehicleStateNode::describePasses().

◆ describePass() [2/2]

template<typename DependenciesT >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePass ( dw::core::StringView const &&  name,
dwProcessorType  processorType,
DependenciesT  dependencies 
) -> std::tuple<dw::core::StringView, dwProcessorType, DependenciesT>

Describe a specific pass of a node with custom inter-pass dependencies.

The function is used to create the arguments for describePassCollection(). The dependencies argument is created by describePassDependencies().

Definition at line 92 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describePassCollection()

template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePassCollection ( const Args &&...  args)

Describe the passes of a node.

The function is used to implement NodeConcept::describePasses(). Each argument of the function is created by describePass().

Definition at line 55 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudAccumulatorNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudStitcherNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRadarDopplerMotionNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRigNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwTraceCollectorNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwTraceNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwGlobalEgomotionNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwFeatureDetectorNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwFeatureDetectorPVANode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwFeatureTrackerNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwPyramidNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwPyramidPVANode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwCameraNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwGPSChannelNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwGPSNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwIMUChannelNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwIMUNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwLidarBatchNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwLidarNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRadarChannelNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwRadarNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicChannelNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicNode::describePasses(), dw::framework::dwVehicleStateChannelNode::describePasses(), and dw::framework::dwVehicleStateNode::describePasses().

◆ describePassDependencies()

template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePassDependencies ( const Args &&...  args) -> std::array<dw::core::StringView, sizeof...(Args)>

Describe the custom inter-pass dependencies of a pass.

The function is used to create the dependencies argument for describePass().

Definition at line 107 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describePasses()

template<typename Node >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePasses ( )

Get described passes for the passed node.

Definition at line 114 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

References describePasses().

Referenced by describePasses().

◆ describePort() [1/2]

template<typename PortType >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePort ( dw::core::StringView  typeName,
dw::core::StringView  name,
dw::core::StringView  comment 

Definition at line 101 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

References OPTIONAL.

◆ describePort() [2/2]

template<typename PortType >
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePort ( dw::core::StringView  typeName,
dw::core::StringView  name,
PortBinding  binding = PortBinding::OPTIONAL,
dw::core::StringView  comment = ""_sv 

Definition at line 86 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describePortArray() [1/2]

template<typename PortType , size_t ArraySize, typename std::enable_if_t< ArraySize !=0, void > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePortArray ( dw::core::StringView  typeName,
dw::core::StringView  name,
dw::core::StringView  comment 

Definition at line 135 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

References OPTIONAL.

◆ describePortArray() [2/2]

template<typename PortType , size_t ArraySize, typename std::enable_if_t< ArraySize !=0, void > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePortArray ( dw::core::StringView  typeName,
dw::core::StringView  name,
PortBinding  binding = PortBinding::OPTIONAL,
dw::core::StringView  comment = ""_sv 

Definition at line 117 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describePortCollection()

template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePortCollection ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 52 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudAccumulatorNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudStitcherNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRadarDopplerMotionNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwTraceCollectorNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwTraceNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwGlobalEgomotionNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwFeatureDetectorNodeBase::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwFeatureTrackerNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwPyramidNodeBase::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwCameraNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwGPSChannelNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwGPSNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwIMUChannelNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwIMUNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwLidarBatchNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwLidarNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRadarChannelNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRadarNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicChannelNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwVehicleStateChannelNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwVehicleStateNode::describeInputPorts(), dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudAccumulatorNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwLidarPointCloudStitcherNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRadarDopplerMotionNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwSelfCalibrationNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwTraceCollectorNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwTraceNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwGlobalEgomotionNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRelativeEgomotionIMUNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwFeatureDetectorNodeBase::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwFeatureTrackerNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwPyramidNodeBase::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwCameraNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwGPSChannelNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwGPSNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwIMUChannelNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwIMUNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwLidarBatchNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwLidarNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRadarChannelNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwRadarNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicChannelNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwUltrasonicNode::describeOutputPorts(), dw::framework::dwVehicleStateChannelNode::describeOutputPorts(), and dw::framework::dwVehicleStateNode::describeOutputPorts().

◆ describePorts()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, typename std::enable_if_t< Direction==PortDirection::INPUT, void > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describePorts ( )

Definition at line 163 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeUnnamedArrayParameter()

template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeUnnamedArrayParameter ( dw::core::StringView const &&  typeName,
size_t  arraySize,
const MemberPointers &&...  memberPointers 

Describe an unnamed array parameter.

The value isn't identified by a name but solely by the semantic type. Regarding the member pointers see describeParameter().

Definition at line 417 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ describeUnnamedParameter()

template<typename T , typename S , typename... MemberPointers>
constexpr auto dw::framework::describeUnnamedParameter ( dw::core::StringView const &&  typeName,
const MemberPointers &&...  memberPointers 

Describe an unnamed parameter.

The value isn't identified by a name but solely by the semantic type. Regarding the member pointers see describeParameter().

Definition at line 390 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ descriptorIndex()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t PortIndex>
constexpr size_t dw::framework::descriptorIndex ( )

Definition at line 302 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

References OUTPUT.

◆ descriptorPortArray()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr bool dw::framework::descriptorPortArray ( )

◆ descriptorPortBinding()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr PortBinding dw::framework::descriptorPortBinding ( )

Definition at line 213 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ descriptorPortComment()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr dw::core::StringView dw::framework::descriptorPortComment ( )

Definition at line 222 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ descriptorPortSize()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr size_t dw::framework::descriptorPortSize ( )

Definition at line 200 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ extractSyncPacket()

SyncedPacketPayload * dw::framework::extractSyncPacket ( GenericData  packet)

◆ getFixedStringParam()

template<typename FixedStringT >
void dw::framework::getFixedStringParam ( FixedStringT &  param,
ParameterProvider provider,
const char *  key 

Definition at line 43 of file Util.hpp.

References dw::framework::ParameterProvider::getOptional().

◆ getInputPorts()

const PortCollectionDescriptor & dw::framework::getInputPorts ( const dw::core::StringView &  className)

◆ getNodeNames()

dw::core::HeapVectorFixed< dw::core::StringView > dw::framework::getNodeNames ( )

◆ getOutputPorts()

const PortCollectionDescriptor & dw::framework::getOutputPorts ( const dw::core::StringView &  className)

◆ getParameters()

const ParameterCollectionDescriptor & dw::framework::getParameters ( const dw::core::StringView &  className)

◆ getPasses()

const PassCollectionDescriptor & dw::framework::getPasses ( const dw::core::StringView &  className)

◆ hasPassDependencies()

template<typename Node , size_t Index>
constexpr bool dw::framework::hasPassDependencies ( )

Check if a pass specifies explicit dependencies.

Definition at line 199 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.


◆ IsConsumer()

constexpr bool dw::framework::IsConsumer ( ChannelRole  role)

Definition at line 102 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.


◆ IsProducer()

constexpr bool dw::framework::IsProducer ( ChannelRole  role)

Definition at line 97 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.


◆ isValidPass() [1/2]

template<typename Node >
constexpr bool dw::framework::isValidPass ( dw::core::StringView  identifier)

Check if given string is a valid pass name.

Definition at line 177 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

◆ isValidPass() [2/2]

template<typename Node >
constexpr bool dw::framework::isValidPass ( std::size_t  passID)

Check if pass index is valid.

Definition at line 130 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

◆ isValidPortIdentifier()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr bool dw::framework::isValidPortIdentifier ( StringView  identifier)

Definition at line 419 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ isValidPortIndex()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr bool dw::framework::isValidPortIndex ( std::size_t  portID)

Definition at line 321 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

References OUTPUT.

◆ make_specimen()

template<typename T >
static GenericDataReference dw::framework::make_specimen ( typename parameter_traits< T >::SpecimenT *  specimen)

◆ makeUniqueFromTuple()

template<typename NodeT , class ConstructorArguments >
auto dw::framework::makeUniqueFromTuple ( const ConstructorArguments &&  constructorArguments) -> std::unique_ptr<NodeT>

Instantiate a node using the passed constructor arguments.

Definition at line 932 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ mapEnumNameToValue()

template<typename EnumT >
auto dw::framework::mapEnumNameToValue ( dw::core::StringView const &  name) -> EnumT

Get the enumerator value based on the name.

[in]nameThe enumerator name
The enumerator value
Exceptionif the enumerator name is invalid

Definition at line 136 of file EnumDescriptor.hpp.

References dw::framework::EnumDescription< EnumT >::get().

◆ mapEnumValueToName()

template<typename EnumT >
dw::core::StringView dw::framework::mapEnumValueToName ( EnumT  value)

Get the enumerator name based on the value.

[in]valueThe enumerator value
The enumerator name
Exceptionif the enumerator value is invalid

Definition at line 162 of file EnumDescriptor.hpp.

References dw::framework::EnumDescription< EnumT >::get().

◆ nvSciGetErrorName()

const char * dw::framework::nvSciGetErrorName ( uint32_t  error)

◆ nvSciGetEventName()

const char * dw::framework::nvSciGetEventName ( uint32_t  event)

◆ operator&()

constexpr ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents dw::framework::operator& ( ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents  a,
ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents  b 

Definition at line 160 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ operator|()

constexpr ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents dw::framework::operator| ( ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents  a,
ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents  b 

Definition at line 166 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ parameterSize()

template<typename NodeT >
constexpr std::size_t dw::framework::parameterSize ( )

Get the number of parameters for a given node.

Definition at line 987 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ ParseAllChannelParameters()

template<typename... Others>
static void dw::framework::ParseAllChannelParameters ( const ChannelParamStr channelParams,
Others &&...  others 

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [1/15]

template<typename T >
static T dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [2/15]

ChannelNvSciStreamEnabledComponents dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [3/15]

ChannelConnectionType dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

Definition at line 222 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.


◆ ParseChannelParameter() [4/15]

ChannelReach dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

Definition at line 241 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.


◆ ParseChannelParameter() [5/15]

int64_t dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

Definition at line 269 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [6/15]

size_t dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

Definition at line 276 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [7/15]

uint32_t dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

Definition at line 288 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [8/15]

uint16_t dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

Definition at line 296 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [9/15]

bool dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

Definition at line 308 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [10/15]

ChannelRole dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [11/15]

ChannelType dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

Definition at line 350 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [12/15]

ChannelMode dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value)

Definition at line 386 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

References MAILBOX, and SINGLETON.

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [13/15]

template<size_t Size>
void dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value,
dw::core::FixedString< Size > &  result 

Definition at line 411 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [14/15]

template<typename T , size_t N>
void dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value,
dw::core::VectorFixed< T, N > &  result 

Definition at line 417 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

References count, and ParseChannelParameter().

◆ ParseChannelParameter() [15/15]

template<typename T >
void dw::framework::ParseChannelParameter ( const ChannelParamStr value,
T &  result 

Definition at line 405 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

◆ ParseChannelParameters() [1/2]

static void dw::framework::ParseChannelParameters ( const ChannelParamStr ,
const ChannelParamStr  

Definition at line 434 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

Referenced by ParseAllChannelParameters(), and ParseChannelParameters().

◆ ParseChannelParameters() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename... Others>
static void dw::framework::ParseChannelParameters ( const ChannelParamStr key,
const ChannelParamStr value,
const char *  staticKey,
T &  result,
Others &&...  others 

Definition at line 440 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

References ParseChannelParameter(), and ParseChannelParameters().

◆ passDependencies()

template<typename Node , size_t Index, typename std::enable_if_t< hasPassDependencies< Node, Index >(), void > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto dw::framework::passDependencies ( )

Get the dependencies of a pass.

Get the dependencies of a pass (which returns an empty collection for passes without explicit dependencies).

Definition at line 209 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

◆ passIndex()

template<typename Node >
constexpr size_t dw::framework::passIndex ( dw::core::StringView  identifier)

Get the the pass index for a pass identified by name.

Definition at line 170 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::ExceptionSafeProcessNode::runPass(), and dw::framework::ExceptionSafeSensorNode::runPass().

◆ passName()

template<typename Node , size_t Index>
constexpr dw::core::StringView dw::framework::passName ( )

Get the name of a pass.

Definition at line 185 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

◆ passProcessorType()

template<typename Node , size_t Index>
constexpr dwProcessorType dw::framework::passProcessorType ( )

Get the processor type of a pass.

Definition at line 192 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

◆ passSize()

template<typename Node >
constexpr std::size_t dw::framework::passSize ( )

Get the number of passes of the passed node.

Definition at line 121 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

◆ populateParameters()

template<typename NodeT , class ConstructorArguments , typename std::enable_if_t< std::tuple_size< ConstructorArguments >()==1, void > * = nullptr>
void dw::framework::populateParameters ( ConstructorArguments &  constructorArguments,
const ParameterProvider provider 

Populate the constructor arguments using values from the parameter provider.

Definition at line 791 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.

◆ portArraySize()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr size_t dw::framework::portArraySize ( StringView  identifier)

Definition at line 363 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ portDescriptorIndex()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr size_t dw::framework::portDescriptorIndex ( StringView  identifier)

Definition at line 456 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ portDescriptorSize()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr std::size_t dw::framework::portDescriptorSize ( )

Definition at line 183 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ portDescriptorType()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t DescriptorIndex>
constexpr auto dw::framework::portDescriptorType ( )

Definition at line 231 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

References PORT_TYPE.

◆ portIndex()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr size_t dw::framework::portIndex ( StringView  identifier)

Definition at line 406 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

References OUTPUT.

◆ portSize()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction>
constexpr std::size_t dw::framework::portSize ( )

Definition at line 267 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ portType()

template<typename Node , PortDirection Direction, size_t PortIndex>
constexpr auto dw::framework::portType ( )

Definition at line 313 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ registerNode()

template<typename NodeT >
void dw::framework::registerNode ( const char *  className)

Definition at line 131 of file NodeFactory.hpp.

◆ ToParam()

static const char * dw::framework::ToParam ( ChannelType  channelType)

Definition at line 59 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ accelerometerBias

dwVector3f dw::framework::accelerometerBias

Definition at line 107 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ accumulatorDownsampleFactor

uint32_t dw::framework::accumulatorDownsampleFactor

Definition at line 57 of file dwIcpNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describeParameters().


constexpr char dw::framework::CALIBRATION_ACCEPTED_STATE_STRING[] = "accepted"

Definition at line 67 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.


constexpr char dw::framework::CALIBRATION_FAILED_STATE_STRING[] = "failed"

Definition at line 69 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.


constexpr char dw::framework::CALIBRATION_INVALID_STATE_STRING[] = "invalid"

Definition at line 70 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.


constexpr char dw::framework::CALIBRATION_NOT_ACCEPTED_STATE_STRING[] = "not-accepted"

Definition at line 68 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ calibrationOutputFileName

char8_t const* dw::framework::calibrationOutputFileName

Output path where calibration overlay will be written

Definition at line 69 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().

◆ calibrationOverlayFileName

char8_t const* dw::framework::calibrationOverlayFileName

Input/Output path of persistent calibration overlay

Definition at line 72 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().

◆ calibrationStateChanged

bool dw::framework::calibrationStateChanged

Definition at line 83 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ cameraSensorEnabled

bool dw::framework::cameraSensorEnabled[framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_CAMERAS]

Definition at line 77 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().

◆ cameraSensorRigIndices

std::uint32_t dw::framework::cameraSensorRigIndices[framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_CAMERAS]

Definition at line 78 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().

◆ channelId

uint64_t dw::framework::channelId

◆ channelMask

uint64_t dw::framework::channelMask


constexpr dwTime_t dw::framework::CHN_WAIT_TIMEOUT_US = 50'000'000

Definition at line 52 of file Channel.hpp.

◆ configVideo

dwCodecConfigVideo dw::framework::configVideo

Definition at line 114 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.


const uint64_t dw::framework::CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1)

Definition at line 41 of file Connection.hpp.

Referenced by createInputOnly(), and createOutputOnly().

◆ count

uint32_t dw::framework::count

Definition at line 63 of file DwRoadCastCommonTypes.hpp.

Referenced by ParseChannelParameter().

◆ cropRegion

dwRect dw::framework::cropRegion

Definition at line 51 of file dwSoftISPNode.hpp.

◆ cudaStream

◆ cupvastream

cupvaStream_t dw::framework::cupvastream

◆ currentSensor2Rig

dwTransformation3f dw::framework::currentSensor2Rig

Definition at line 81 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ data

uint8_t* dw::framework::data

Definition at line 108 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::PortInput< T >::recv().

◆ dataSize

size_t dw::framework::dataSize

Definition at line 107 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ dataType

dwTrivialDataType dw::framework::dataType = dwTrivialDataType::DW_TYPE_FLOAT32

◆ demosaicMethod

dwSoftISPDemosaicMethod dw::framework::demosaicMethod

Definition at line 52 of file dwSoftISPNode.hpp.

◆ denoiseMethod

dwSoftISPDenoiseMethod dw::framework::denoiseMethod

Definition at line 53 of file dwSoftISPNode.hpp.

◆ diskIOStatsEnabled

bool dw::framework::diskIOStatsEnabled

◆ dstNodeId

uint64_t dw::framework::dstNodeId

Definition at line 46 of file Connection.hpp.

Referenced by createInputOnly().

◆ dstPortId

uint8_t dw::framework::dstPortId

Definition at line 48 of file Connection.hpp.

Referenced by createInputOnly().

◆ dwDetectorParams

dwFeature2DDetectorConfig dw::framework::dwDetectorParams


constexpr uint32_t dw::framework::DWFRAMEWORK_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES = 0x400

Definition at line 132 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.


constexpr ChannelPacketTypeID dw::framework::DWFRAMEWORK_PACKET_ID_DEFAULT = 0U

Definition at line 130 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.


constexpr uint32_t dw::framework::DWFRAMEWORK_SYNCED_PACKET_TYPE_ID_OFFSET = 0x80000000

Definition at line 131 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ dwTrackerParams

dwFeature2DTrackerConfig dw::framework::dwTrackerParams

◆ enable

bool dw::framework::enable

Definition at line 54 of file dwIcpNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describeParameters().

◆ enabled

bool dw::framework::enabled

◆ extrinsic

◆ extrinsicProfileName

char dw::framework::extrinsicProfileName[DW_MAX_EXTRINSIC_PROFILE_NAME_SIZE]

Definition at line 49 of file DwRoadCastCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ extrinsics

CalibratedExtrinsics dw::framework::extrinsics

Definition at line 51 of file SensorCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ fileBackendEnabled

bool dw::framework::fileBackendEnabled

◆ filePath

std::string dw::framework::filePath

◆ fovealMode

dwFovealMode dw::framework::fovealMode

Definition at line 78 of file DetectorTypes.hpp.

◆ ftraceBackendEnabled

bool dw::framework::ftraceBackendEnabled

◆ fullMemUsage

bool dw::framework::fullMemUsage

◆ height

uint32_t dw::framework::height

◆ imuSensorEnabled

bool dw::framework::imuSensorEnabled

Definition at line 75 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().

◆ imuSensorRigIndices

std::uint32_t dw::framework::imuSensorRigIndices

Definition at line 76 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().

◆ intrinsic

◆ intrinsics

dwFThetaCameraConfigNew dw::framework::intrinsics

Definition at line 63 of file SensorCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ intrinsicsSource

CameraIntrinsicsSource dw::framework::intrinsicsSource

Definition at line 64 of file SensorCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ ipAddr

std::string dw::framework::ipAddr

◆ levelCount

uint32_t dw::framework::levelCount

◆ lidarICPUsesEgomotion

bool dw::framework::lidarICPUsesEgomotion

Definition at line 58 of file dwIcpNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describeParameters().

◆ lidarMaxICPIterations

uint32_t dw::framework::lidarMaxICPIterations

Definition at line 56 of file dwIcpNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describeParameters().

◆ lidarProps

dwLidarProperties dw::framework::lidarProps

Definition at line 59 of file dwIcpNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describeParameters().

◆ lidarSensorEnabled

bool dw::framework::lidarSensorEnabled[framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_LIDARS]

Definition at line 81 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().

◆ lidarSensorRigIndices

std::uint32_t dw::framework::lidarSensorRigIndices[framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_LIDARS]

Definition at line 82 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().

◆ maneuvers

dwCalibrationManeuverArray dw::framework::maneuvers

Definition at line 85 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ maskHeight

uint32_t dw::framework::maskHeight

Definition at line 58 of file dwFeatureDetectorNode.hpp.

◆ maskStrideBytes

uint32_t dw::framework::maskStrideBytes

Definition at line 56 of file dwFeatureDetectorNode.hpp.

◆ maskWidth

uint32_t dw::framework::maskWidth

Definition at line 57 of file dwFeatureDetectorNode.hpp.


constexpr uint16_t dw::framework::MAX_CHANNEL_ALL_PARAMS_SIZE = 256

Definition at line 108 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.


constexpr uint16_t dw::framework::MAX_CHANNEL_CONSUMERS_COUNT = 256

Definition at line 110 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.


constexpr uint16_t dw::framework::MAX_CHANNEL_PARAM_SIZE = 256

Definition at line 107 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.


constexpr uint16_t dw::framework::MAX_CHANNEL_PRODUCERS_COUNT = 1024

Definition at line 109 of file ChannelParameters.hpp.


constexpr uint32_t dw::framework::MAX_INPUT_TRACE_PORTS = 16


constexpr uint32_t dw::framework::MAX_LIDAR_STITCHER_PORT_NUM = 8


constexpr size_t dw::framework::MAX_PORT_DESCRIPTOR_PER_COLLECTION {256U}

Definition at line 88 of file PortCollectionDescriptor.hpp.

◆ maxFileSizeMB

uint32_t dw::framework::maxFileSizeMB

◆ maxPacketsPerSpin

size_t dw::framework::maxPacketsPerSpin

Definition at line 99 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ maxPointsPerPacket

size_t dw::framework::maxPointsPerPacket

Definition at line 100 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ maxTracesPerChPerEpoch

uint32_t dw::framework::maxTracesPerChPerEpoch

Definition at line 57 of file dwTraceNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwTraceNode::describeParameters().

◆ memTraceEnabled

bool dw::framework::memTraceEnabled

◆ networkBackendEnabled

bool dw::framework::networkBackendEnabled

◆ nvtxBackendEnabled

bool dw::framework::nvtxBackendEnabled

◆ packetSize

size_t dw::framework::packetSize

Definition at line 101 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_ARRAY_SIZE {5U}

Definition at line 219 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGUMENT_DESCRIPTOR {1U}

Definition at line 50 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGUMENT_TYPE {0U}

Definition at line 47 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_DEFAULT_VALUE {7U}

Definition at line 225 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_IS_INDEX {4U}

Definition at line 216 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_MEMBER_PTRS {6U}

Definition at line 222 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_NAME {1U}

Definition at line 207 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_SEMANTIC_TYPE {3U}

Definition at line 213 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_TYPE {2U}

Definition at line 210 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PARAMETER_TYPE_NAME {0U}

Definition at line 204 of file ParameterDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PASS_DEPENDENCIES {2U}

Definition at line 68 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

Referenced by hasPassDependencies().


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PASS_NAME {0U}

Definition at line 62 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PASS_PROCESSOR_TYPE {1U}

Definition at line 65 of file PassDescriptor.hpp.

◆ pointsRTHIArray

dwLidarPointRTHI* dw::framework::pointsRTHIArray

Definition at line 98 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.

◆ pointsXYZIArray

dwLidarPointXYZI* dw::framework::pointsXYZIArray

Definition at line 97 of file ChannelPacketTypes.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PORT_ARRAY_SIZE {3U}

Definition at line 68 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PORT_BINDING {4U}

Definition at line 71 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PORT_COMMENT {5U}

Definition at line 74 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PORT_NAME {1U}

Definition at line 62 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PORT_TYPE {2U}

Definition at line 65 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

Referenced by portDescriptorType().


constexpr size_t dw::framework::PORT_TYPE_NAME {0U}

Definition at line 59 of file PortDescriptor.hpp.

◆ pose

dwTransformation3f dw::framework::pose

Definition at line 45 of file PointCloudProcessingCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ positionState

dwCalibrationSensorPositionState dw::framework::positionState

Definition at line 79 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ positionStateChanged

bool dw::framework::positionStateChanged

Definition at line 80 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ processMask

int32_t dw::framework::processMask

Definition at line 55 of file dwSoftISPNode.hpp.

◆ properties

dwCalibrationProperties dw::framework::properties

Definition at line 84 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::Buffer::Buffer().

◆ radarSensorEnabled

bool dw::framework::radarSensorEnabled[framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_RADARS]

Definition at line 79 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().

◆ radarSensorRigIndices

std::uint32_t dw::framework::radarSensorRigIndices[framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_RADARS]

Definition at line 80 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().


constexpr uint8_t dw::framework::RIG_NODE_MAX_IMUS = 1U

Definition at line 56 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

◆ rigHandle

dwRigHandle_t dw::framework::rigHandle

◆ rigOutputFileName

char8_t const* dw::framework::rigOutputFileName

Output path where full serialized rig will be written

Definition at line 66 of file dwRigNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwRigNode::describeParameters().


dwRect dw::framework::ROI

Definition at line 76 of file DetectorTypes.hpp.

◆ scales

dwVector2f dw::framework::scales

Definition at line 77 of file DetectorTypes.hpp.



constexpr uint8_t dw::framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_IMU = 1

Definition at line 48 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.




constexpr uint8_t dw::framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_ROUTINE_COUNT
Initial value:
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_IMU
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_LIDARS
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_CAMERAS
static constexpr uint8_t SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_RADARS

Definition at line 53 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.


constexpr uint8_t dw::framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_VEHICLEIO = 1

Definition at line 49 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.


constexpr uint8_t dw::framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_NODE_MAX_WHEELS = 4

Definition at line 58 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.


constexpr char dw::framework::SELF_CALIBRATION_TAG[] = "self-calibration"

Definition at line 66 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ sensorID

uint32_t dw::framework::sensorID

Definition at line 108 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ sensorIndex

uint32_t dw::framework::sensorIndex

Definition at line 55 of file dwIcpNode.hpp.

Referenced by dw::framework::dwIcpNode::describeParameters().

◆ sensorToRig

dwTransformation3f dw::framework::sensorToRig

Definition at line 52 of file DwRoadCastCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ serverPort

uint16_t dw::framework::serverPort

◆ srcPortId

uint8_t dw::framework::srcPortId

Definition at line 47 of file Connection.hpp.

Referenced by createOutputOnly().

◆ status

◆ stream

cudaStream_t dw::framework::stream

◆ timestamp

◆ timeStampBefore

dwTime_t dw::framework::timeStampBefore

Definition at line 44 of file PointCloudProcessingCommonTypes.hpp.

◆ tonemapMethod

dwTonemapMethod dw::framework::tonemapMethod

Definition at line 54 of file dwSoftISPNode.hpp.

◆ tracingLevel

uint32_t dw::framework::tracingLevel

◆ validAccelerometerBias

bool dw::framework::validAccelerometerBias

Definition at line 110 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.

◆ validGyroscopeBias

bool dw::framework::validGyroscopeBias

Definition at line 109 of file SelfCalibrationTypes.hpp.