Parallel Shader Compilation for Ray Tracing Pipeline States

In ray tracing, a single pipeline state object (PSO) can contain any number of shaders. This number can grow large, depending on scene content and ray types handled with the PSO; construction cost of the state object can significantly increase. The DXR API makes it possible to distribute part of the creation work to multiple … Continued

Flexible and Powerful Ray Tracing with NVIDIA OptiX 8

In the realm of computer graphics, achieving photorealistic visuals has been a long-sought goal. NVIDIA OptiX is a powerful and flexible ray-tracing framework, enabling you to harness the potential of ray tracing. NVIDIA OptiX is a GPU-accelerated, ray-casting API based on the CUDA parallel programming model. It gives you all the tools required to implement … Continued

Introduction to Ray Tracing in Unreal Engine 4.22

Epic Games is adding ‘Early Access’ support for ray tracing through the DirectX Raytracing API (DXR) to Unreal Engine with the pending release of Unreal Engine 4.22. Demos dating back to GDC 2018 show impressive ray tracing results using DXR. However, UE 4.22 integrates ray tracing support into the mainline branch, making ray tracing available to … Continued

Accelerated Ray Tracing in One Weekend in CUDA

Recent announcements of NVIDIA’s new Turing GPUs, RTX technology, and Microsoft’s DirectX Ray Tracing have spurred a renewed interest in ray tracing. Using these technologies vastly simplifies the ability to write applications using ray tracing. But what if you’re curious about how ray tracing actually works? One way to learn is to code your own ray tracing … Continued

Introduction to NVIDIA RTX and DirectX Ray Tracing

“Ray tracing is the future, and it always will be!” has been the tongue-in-cheek phrase used by graphics developers for decades when asked whether real-time ray tracing will ever be feasible. Everyone seems to agree on the first part: ray tracing is the future. That’s because ray tracing is the only technology we know of … Continued

Q&A: Real-Time Ray Tracing in a Cinematic Scene

Six years ago, real-time ray tracing was seen as a pipe dream. Back then, cinematic-quality rendering required computer farms to slowly bake every frame overnight—a painstaking process.  By 2018, this level of performance was achievable in real-time, at 45 frames per second, enabling applications like video games to take a massive leap in graphical quality.  … Continued