Introducing Ray Tracing in Unreal Engine 4

Ray tracing in Unreal Engine 4 is a powerful and flexible lighting system. It’s powerful because of its accuracy and quality. Never have you had the ability to do things like shadows and reflections like this in real time. It’s flexible because you can mix raster and ray tracing rendering features together as you see … Continued

NVIDIA OptiX Ray Tracing Powered by RTX

Ray Tracing vs Rasterization Conventional 3D rendering has typically used a process called rasterization since the 1990s. Rasterization uses objects created from a mesh of triangles or polygons to represent a 3D model of an object. The rendering pipeline then converts each triangle of the 3D models into pixels on a 2D image plane. These … Continued

Ignacio Llamas Interview: Unearthing Ray Tracing

We spoke with Ignacio Llamas, Director of Real Time Ray Tracing Software at NVIDIA about the introduction of real-time ray tracing in consumer GPUs. How did you get started on ray tracing at NVIDIA? I joined NVIDIA about four years ago, on the GPU architecture team. If somebody told you that you’d be shipping consumer … Continued

Creating Optimal Meshes for Ray Tracing

When you are creating triangle meshes for ray tracing or reusing meshes that have been successfully used in rasterization-based rendering, there are some pitfalls that can cause surprising performance issues. Some mesh properties that have been acceptable in rasterization can be problematic in ray tracing or require specific handling to work as expected. This post … Continued

RTX Coffee Break: Introduction to Real-Time Ray Tracing (5:41 minutes)

Ray tracing will soon revolutionize the way video games look. Ray tracing simulates how rays of light hit and bounce off of objects, enabling developers to create stunning imagery that lives up to the word “photorealistic”. This video provides an overview of how the technology works. Five Things to Remember: Ray tracing defined: a primitive … Continued

The Authoritative Book on Real-Time Ray Tracing Has Arrived

In 2018, with the release of NVIDIA’s RTX series GPUs, real-time ray tracing finally became accessible to game developers, content creators, and consumers. It is a technology that will forever change graphics processing. To help developers navigate this new technology, a wide-ranging book on the topic is being published early this year: Ray Tracing Gems. … Continued