NVIDIA announced the NVIDIA Ampere architecture in May and disclosed the new NVIDIA A100 GPU was supported in an RC posting of CUDA Toolkit and Nsight Developer Tools.
Today, NVIDIA announces the General Availability (GA) of CUDA 11, Nsight Systems 2020.3 and Nsight Compute 2020.1 for members of the NVIDIA Developer Program.
The new releases introduce support for the many new features and capabilities of the NVIDIA A100 GPU, performance-optimized libraries, Arm server processor support, and new developer tool capabilities like Roofline Analysis.
To learn more about the vast array of capabilities:
- CUDA 11 Features Revealed
- Unleashing the Power of NVIDIA Ampere Architecture with NVIDIA Nsight Developer Tools
For more detailed information, GTC Digital has numerous on-demand recorded sessions that cover CUDA and Nsight topics, including:
- CUDA New Features & Beyond
- CUDA on NVIDIA Ampere GPU Architecture: New Features for Taking Your Algorithms to the Next Level of Performance
- Developing CUDA Kernels to Push Tensor Cores to the Absolute Limit on NVIDIA A100
- CUDA Developer Tools: Overview and Exciting New Features
You can also view HPC Summit Digital on-demand, including a Developer Forum, an Ampere Roundtable, and more by registering or logging in here.