Today, NVIDIA announced Nsight Graphics 2018.4, the first public release of GPU Trace. This release also adds D3D12 Pixel history, supports NVIDIA’s Vulkan ray tracing extension, completes support for the D3D12 RS3 SDK, and improves performance for D3D11 and Vulkan debugging and profiling. Additionally, with this release, the Nsight family of tools is being re-versioned to a year dot release number versioning scheme.
GPU Trace offers an unparalleled ability to correlate SM utilization to performance markers to discover workloads that limit your performance. It also offers opportunities for simultaneous compute and graphics. GPU Trace currently supports D3D12 but will be expanded to other APIs in a future release.
Ray tracing is the future of real-time interactive graphics and Nsight is ready to help you adapt to this exciting paradigm shift. Version 2018.4 adds supports for NVIDIA’s Vulkan ray tracing extension including display and analysis of ray tracing shaders.
Pixel history is a feature that offers a fast and easy way to trace all of the pixels/fragments that have impacted the final composition of a pixel. For each event that impacts a pixel, all generated fragments are shown with pre-blend color, alongside a pass/fail status, that indicates, where possible, why a fragment failed. Save time and accelerate the path to a fix with this automated feature.
The RS3 SDK for D3D12 continues to deliver on powerful features that empower and streamline D3D12 applications. Nsight Graphics 2018.4 offers full support for this SDK including ID3D12Device3, ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2, and ID3D12Fence1.
Beyond these additions, existing support has been improved with targeted performance enhancements to some identified pain points. In particular, D3D11 and Vulkan will debug and profile more speedily than previous versions.
Try out the latest version of Nsight Graphics today!