The HPC and GPU Supercomputing Group of Silicon Valley will be hosting two researchers from Baidu on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 from 6:30PM to 9:30PM at the NVIDIA Headquarters in Santa Clara, Ca.
We are very excited to have Awni Hannun and Erich Elsen from Baidu Research join us.
Awni, former Stanford researcher, has extensive experience in solving hard speech recognition tasks using deep learning methods. His interests also extend to computer vision, natural language processing and almost anything relating to artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Erich, also a former Stanford researcher, has experience using GPUs in HPC and was responsible for Shazam’s core recognition algorithm running on GPUs. His current focus is on machine learning and neural networks.
Awni and Erich will be sharing some of the insights from their groundbreaking work at Baidu Research and its application to complex speech recognition.
RSVP is limited and will reach capacity soon.
Silicon Valley Meetup: Baidu Researchers to talk on ‘What’s New in Deep Learning’
Sep 23, 2015
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Related resources
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