Anima Anandkumar

Anima Anandkumar is senior director of AI Research at NVIDIA and Bren Professor at Caltech. She is passionate about designing principled AI algorithms and applying them to interdisciplinary domains. She has received several honors such as the IEEE fellowship, Alfred. P. Sloan Fellowship, NSF Career Award, and Faculty Fellowships from Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Adobe. She is part of the World Economic Forum's Expert Network. Anima received her bachelor’s degree from Indian Institute of Technology Madras, and her Ph.D. from Cornell University. She did her postdoctoral research at MIT and assistant professorship at University of California Irvine.
Anima Anandkumar

Posts by Anima Anandkumar

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Modeling Earth’s Atmosphere with Spherical Fourier Neural Operators

Machine learning-based weather prediction has emerged as a promising complement to traditional numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Models such as NVIDIA... 8 MIN READ
Image of underground reservoir modeling.
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Using Carbon Capture and Storage Digital Twins for Net Zero Strategies

CO2 capture and storage technologies (CCS) catch CO2 from its production source, compress it, transport it through pipelines or by ships, and store it... 13 MIN READ
Data Science

Enhancing AI Transparency and Ethical Considerations with Model Card++

An AI model card is a document that details how machine learning (ML) models work. Model cards provide detailed information about the ML model’s metadata... 10 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Accelerating Climate Change Mitigation with Machine Learning: The Case of Carbon Storage

Climate change mitigation is about reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The worldwide goal is to reach net zero, which means balancing the amount of GHG... 11 MIN READ
Data Science

Building a Benchmark for Human-Level Concept Learning and Reasoning

Humans have an inherent ability to learn novel concepts from only a few samples and generalize these concepts to different situations. Even though today’s... 10 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Adding External Knowledge and Controllability to Language Models with Megatron-CNTRL

Large language models such as Megatron and GPT-3 are transforming AI. We are excited about applications that can take advantage of these models to create better... 8 MIN READ