Simulation / Modeling / Design

Kitware ParaView Omniverse Connector Now Available in Open Beta

NVIDIA Omniverse has expanded to address the scientific visualization community with a Connector to Kitware ParaView, one of the world’s most popular scientific visualization applications.

Now available by downloading Omniverse Open Beta, the Omniverse ParaView Connector enables researchers to boost their productivity and speed their discoveries. Large datasets no longer need to be downloaded and exchanged, and colleagues can get instantaneous feedback as Omniverse users can work in the same workspace in the cloud.

ParaView, an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application, enables users to quickly build visualizations so they can analyze and explore their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. Researchers use ParaView to analyze massive datasets, and typically run the application on supercomputers to analyze datasets of petascale, as well as on laptops for smaller data.

The Omniverse ParaView Connector provides researchers with a toolkit that allows them to send and live sync their models to an NVIDIA Omniverse Nucleus Server, or alternatively locally output them to USD, with OpenVDB in case of volumes. This enables the user to edit and sync their ParaView data with any Omniverse Connect applications, or just import it into applications supporting USD or OpenVDB.

Simulating fuel injection in a combustion engine.
Data courtesy of the Scientific Visualization Lab, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern

Omniverse ParaView Connector works in multiple deployments and environments, including headless EGL Kitware ParaView servers, multi-node MPI environments, and python environments. The Connector adds to ParaView a render view, two filters, and an additional tab in ParaView’s settings dialog for global configuration.

For more information, see the Install Instructions for a walkthrough in configuring and using the connector, and check out the additional features available, including:

  • Supports client-server setups
  • Multi-environment deployment including: (EGL) Kitware ParaView servers, multi-node (MPI) environments, and python environments 
  • Outputs to an Omniverse Nucleus server enabling multiple connections and outputs at once
  • Converts to USD for local output
  • Supports color-mapped surface meshes
  • Animated timesteps
  • Point datasets
  • Slice representations
  • Structured volume representations
  • Transfer of any point and/or cell arrays
  • Manual specification of uniform arrays over time

Download the NVIDIA Omniverse open beta today and get started with the Kitware ParaView Omniverse Connector. 

For additional support, check out the Omniverse ParaView forum and join the Omniverse Discord server to chat with the community.

Learn more about the Omniverse ParaView Connector, and catch up on the GTC session on-demand session, Cinematic Scientific Visualization with the Omniverse ParaView Connector.

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