Nirmal Kumar Juluru

Nirmal Kumar Juluru is a product marketing manager at NVIDIA driving the adoption of AI software, models, and APIs in the NVIDIA NGC Catalog and NVIDIA AI Foundation models and endpoints. He previously worked as a software developer. Nirmal holds an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University and a bachelors in computer science from BITS Pilani.
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Posts by Nirmal Kumar Juluru

Conversational AI

Develop Custom Enterprise Generative AI with NVIDIA NeMo

Generative AI is transforming computing, paving new avenues for humans to interact with computers in natural, intuitive ways. For enterprises, the prospect of... 14 MIN READ
Generative AI

Fine-Tune and Align LLMs Easily with NVIDIA NeMo Customizer

As large language models (LLMs) continue to gain traction in enterprise AI applications, the demand for custom models that can understand and integrate specific... 5 MIN READ
Generative AI

Streamline Evaluation of LLMs for Accuracy with NVIDIA NeMo Evaluator

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities, from tackling complex coding tasks to crafting compelling stories to translating natural... 5 MIN READ
Illustration representing NeMo microservices.
Generative AI

Simplify Custom Generative AI Development with NVIDIA NeMo Microservices

Across the globe, enterprises are realizing the benefits of generative AI models. They are racing to adopt these models in various applications, such as... 5 MIN READ
Data Center / Cloud

Build Enterprise-Grade AI with NVIDIA AI Software

Following the introduction of ChatGPT, enterprises around the globe are realizing the benefits and capabilities of AI, and are racing to adopt it into their... 6 MIN READ
Image is the DGL and PyG logos with the words Accelerated by NVIDIA.
Data Science

Available Now: NVIDIA AI Accelerated DGL and PyG Containers for GNNs

From credit card transactions, social networks, and recommendation systems to transportation networks and protein-protein interactions in biology, graphs are... 9 MIN READ