Kyle Kranen

Kyle Kranen is a deep learning software engineer at NVIDIA. He received a BS in electrical engineering and computer sciences from the University of California, Berkeley. At NVIDIA, his research is currently concentrated on recommender systems and time-series modeling.
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Posts by Kyle Kranen

Generative AI

Applying Mixture of Experts in LLM Architectures

Mixture of experts (MoE) large language model (LLM) architectures have recently emerged, both in proprietary LLMs such as GPT-4, as well as in community models... 12 MIN READ
Image is the DGL and PyG logos with the words Accelerated by NVIDIA.
Data Science

Available Now: NVIDIA AI Accelerated DGL and PyG Containers for GNNs

From credit card transactions, social networks, and recommendation systems to transportation networks and protein-protein interactions in biology, graphs are... 9 MIN READ

Optimizing Fraud Detection in Financial Services with Graph Neural Networks and NVIDIA GPUs

Fraud is a major problem for many financial services firms, costing billions of dollars each year, according to a recent Federal Trade Commission report.... 22 MIN READ
Data Science

Time Series Forecasting with the NVIDIA Time Series Prediction Platform and Triton Inference Server

In this post, we detail the recently released NVIDIA Time Series Prediction Platform (TSPP), a tool designed to compare easily and experiment with arbitrary... 13 MIN READ
Data Science

Accelerating the Wide & Deep Model Workflow from 25 Hours to 10 Minutes Using NVIDIA GPUs

Recommender systems drive engagement on many of the most popular online platforms. As data volume grows exponentially, data scientists increasingly turn from... 14 MIN READ