Simulation / Modeling / Design

2016 Global Impact Award Nominations Now Open

The $150,000 award will go to a researcher or institution that has used NVIDIA technology to achieve breakthrough results with positive social and humanitarian impact. This includes – but is not limited to – the areas of disease research, drug design & development, medical imaging, energy & fuel efficiency, weather prediction, natural disaster response and cyber security.

Our 2015 Global Impact Award recipient was San Diego Supercomputer Center. Dr. Yifeng Cui and team’s winning work in earthquake simulation for the improvement of seismic hazard analysis addresses the needs of a massive global population in earthquake-impacted areas. You can read more about their work on a recent blog post, “Fault Finding: SoCal Researchers Use GPUs to Detect Earthquake Hazards Coming Our Way.”

Submissions are due by October 30, 2015.


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