Nsight Compute profiling CUDA 10.1 Task Graphs

OpenGL and Vulkan interoperability on the Graphics Debugger

Next-Gen CUDA Debugger with PTX+SASS source code correlation showing the state at a kernel breakpoint

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition 2019.2 is now available with these features and improvements:

Graphics Debugging

    Range Profiler keeps getting better
    • Vulkan support — Inspect GPU performance metrics for whole perfmarker regimes, render passes, and single events
    • DXR BuildRayTracingAccelerationStructure calls can now be profiled
    • New Range Profiler Preview
      • Configure sections to customize the profiling experience
      • Introduce rules to create warnings based on GPU performance counter values within the configurable Range Profiler
    Acceleration Structure Viewer enhanced
    • Configure camera speed and camera orientation
    • Visualize geometry setup flags by utilizing highlight-based filtering
    • AABB and bounding box visualization
    API Inspector improved
    • Event number and performance markers are now visible in the API Inspector for greater event context
    • Trimmed Direct3D 11 and Direct3D 12 strings in the API Inspector to increase information density
    New Direct3D 12 Meshlets NVAPI Added support for Mesh Shaders in D3D12 via NVAPI

Compute Debugging and Analysis

    Nsight Compute Debuggers
    • Supports CUDA Toolkit 10.1 Update 1
    • Works with the latest Turing GPUs
    • Improved support for Visual Studio 2019
    • Warp Info improvements
    Nsight Compute Profiler
      • Supports CUDA Toolkit 10.1 Update 1
      • Works with the latest Turing GPUs
      • Improved performance and bug fixes
      • Kernel launch context and stream are reported as metrics
      • PC sampling configuration options are reported as metrics
      • The default base port for connections to the target changed
      • Section files support multiple, named Body fields
      • NvRules allow users to query metrics using any convertible data type
      Nsight Compute
      • Support for filtering kernel launches using their NVTX context
      • Support for new options to select the connection port range
      • The Profile activity supports configuring PC sampling parameters
      • Sections on the Details page support selecting individual bodies
      • Added support for the following additional profiling options:
        • Clock Control
        • Metrics
        • Enable NVTX Support
        • Disable Profiling Start/Stop
        • Enable Profiling From Start
      Nsight Compute CLI
      • Support for stepping to kernel launches from specific NVTX contexts
      • Support for new --port and --max-connections options
      • Support for new --sampling-* options to configure PC sampling parameters
      • Section file errors are reported with --list-sections
      • A warning is shown if some section files could not be loaded

For a complete overview of all Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition features and access to resources, please visit the main Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition page.

NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition 2019.2 is available for download under the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program.

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