Setting Up Linux Foundation and Compute Bits Using Debian Packages

Follow steps in the NVIDIA DRIVE OS Installation Guide, in the "Installation Using DRIVE OS Local Debian Packages" topic, to get the Debian packages.

Install the following packages to set up NVIDIA DRIVE OS PDK for Yocto build:

Installing and Setting Up the Toolkits

Note: CUDA, CuDNN, TensorRT, and DriveWorks packages for Yocto are distributed through NVOnline. Contact your NVIDIA representative for access to these packages.

Install CUDA Toolkit on the Host

Note: This step is mandatory if CUDA is enabled with Yocto. CUDA toolkit must be installed on the host before Yocto build initialization. Skip this section if CUDA toolkit is already installed.
  1. Follow the installation steps described in Installing CUDA Debian Packages under.
  2. Copy the CUDA arm64 Debian package into a specific path as follows:
    mkdir <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/cuda/drive-os-av/
    cp cuda-tegra-repo-ubuntu*_arm64.deb <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/cuda/drive-os-av/

Install CuDNN Packages if Including cuDNN from Yocto

  1. Follow the installation steps described in Installing cuDNN Debian Packages.
  2. Copy the cuDNN deb file into a specific path:
    mkdir <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/cudnn/
    cp cudnn-local-tegra-repo-ubuntu2004-<CUDNN_MAJOR_VER>-<CUDNN_MINOR_VER>-local_1.0-1_arm64.deb <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/cudnn

Install TensorRT Packages if Including TensorRT from Yocto

  1. Follow the installation steps described in Installing TensorRT Debian Packages. Additionally, install tensorrt-safe-cross-aarch64 package if DriveWorks is enabled.
    Note: Install the tensorrt-safe-cross-aarch64 package if DriveWorks is enabled.
  2. Copy the TensorRT deb file into a specific path:
    mkdir -p <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/tensorRT
    cp nv-tensorrt-repo-ubuntu2004-cuda${CUDA_VER}trt${TRT_VER}-d6l-target-ga<BUILD_ID>-1_arm64.deb <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/tensorRT

Install NVIDIA Driveworks if Including NVIDIA Driveworks from Yocto


Before including NVIDIA Driveworks in Yocto builds, you must install CUDA, CuDNN, and TensorRT toolkits and set up the respective Debian packages on the host as described in the preceding sections.

  1. Follow the installation steps:
    mkdir <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/driveworks
    sudo dpkg -i driveworks_<dw-ver>-<GCID>_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i driveworks-data_<dw-ver>-<GCID>_all.deb
    sudo dpkg -i driveworks-samples_<dw-ver>-<GCID>_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i driveworks-stm_<dw-ver>-<GCID>_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i driveworks-cgf_<dw-ver>-<GCID>_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i driveworks-cgf-samples_<dw-ver>-<GCID>_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i driveworks-cgf-cross_<dw-ver>~linux<release-ver>-<GCID>_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i driveworks-stm-cross_<dw-ver>~linux<reease-ver>-<GCID>_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i driveworks-cross_<dw-ver>~linux<release-ver><GCID>_amd64.deb
  2. [OPTIONAL] Execute the steps below only if enabling STM and CGF with Yocto:
    mkdir <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/driveworks
    cp driveworks-cgf_<dw-ver>~linux<release-ver>-<GCID>_arm64.deb   <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/driveworks
    cp driveworks-stm_<dw-ver>~linux<release-ver>-<GCID>_arm64.deb  <top>/drive-linux/toolkits/driveworks

For more information, see To build NVIDIA Driveworks with tegra-drive-os-av-image.