To build CuDNN with tegra-drive-os-av-image


For the supported CuDNN toolkit version, see product Release Notes.

Build CuDNN <CuDNN-toolkit-version> with Yocto DRIVE OS AV rootfs for DRIVE OS 6.0 platforms.

  1. Export the CUDNN_ENABLE variable:
    export CUDNN_ENABLE=<CuDNN-toolkit-version>
  2. Build or rebuild the image:
    bitbake tegra-drive-os-av-image
    Note: The WARNING message "Unable to get checksum for cudnn-samples SRC_URI entry cudnnTest-<CUDA_VER>-ubuntu<>-aarch64-v<CUDNN_VER>.tgz: file could not be found" is expected when CUDNN_ENABLE is set.