To build NVIDIA Yocto Project based components

  1. Install the dependent packages:
    • Ensure the host system is connected to the Internet.
    • On the host, enter the following commands:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
    sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat xterm make xsltproc docbook-utils fop dblatex xmlto manpages-pl manpages-fr-extra qemu-user libpulse-dev xxd python3-distutils
  2. Change to the build directory on the host system with the following command:
    cd <top>/drive-linux_src/yocto

    Where <top> is the directory on the host where the release is installed.

  3. Extract the contents of nvidia-layer.tgz and oss-packages.tgz with the following command:
    tar xzf nvidia-layer.tgz
    tar xzf oss-packages.tgz
  4. Export TEMPLATECONF to use templates from the meta-drive6 layer with the following command:
    export TEMPLATECONF=$PWD/layers/meta-drive6/conf
  5. Initialize the Yocto project build environment with the following command:
    source oss/dunfell/poky/oe-init-build-env 
  6. Select the type of Image by setting the value of IMAGE_TYPE:
    export IMAGE_TYPE=<full|minimal|samples|debug-utils>
    • minimal : Rootfs with upstream OSS (baseline Yocto distro) and Tegra SW libraries.
    • samples : Rootfs with contents of minimal, plus DRIVE OS samples (NVmedia, Gfx etc. samples).
    • debug-utils : Rootfs with contents of minimal, plus utilities to support debug and profiling (OSS and NV-proprietary debug utils).
    • full : Superset rootfs with everything in minimal, samples and debug-utils packaged.
      Note: Default image type is set to full.
  7. Enable network with Yocto build and download sources from upstream by setting BB_NO_NETWORK as follows:
    export BB_NO_NETWORK='0'
  8. Select the version of kernel by setting the value of KERNEL_VER:
    export KERNEL_VER="5.15"
    Note: The default kernel version is 5.10.
  9. Build component, image, or SDK/PDK depending on the recipe with the following command:
    bitbake <recipe>

    Recipes of interest are:

    bitbake <recipe>

    Function / Remarks


    Yocto DRIVE OS AV rootfs


    Cold boot initramfs

    tegra-initramfs-recovery Recovery initramfs
    Note: PDK packages must be installed before launching bitbake for recovery initramfs.
    Note: SELinux support is enabled in Yocto with default mode as permissive. If you need to begin testing system behavior in enforcing mode, you must modify the DEFAULT_ENFORCING to "enforcing" in <top>/drive-linux_yocto/yocto/layers/meta-drive6/recipes-security/refpolicy/refpolicy-minimum_%.bbappend.
    SELinux support is enabled in Yocto with default mode as permissive. If you need to begin testing system behavior in enforcing mode, you must modify the DEFAULT_ENFORCING to "enforcing" in <top>/drive-linux_yocto/yocto/layers/meta-drive6/recipes-security/refpolicy/refpolicy-minimum_%.bbappend.
    Note: Steps to enable read-only root filesystem and dm-verity kernel security features are described in DM-Verity and Read-Only File System Support.