Simulation / Modeling / Design

Popular Open Source Thrust and CUB Libraries Updated

Thrust 1.11.0 is a major release providing bug fixes and performance enhancements. It includes a new sort algorithm that provides up to 2x more performance from thrust::sort when used with certain key types and hardware. The new thrust::shuffle algorithm has been tweaked to improve the randomness of the output. 

CUB 1.11.0 is a major release providing bug fixes and performance enhancements. It includes a new DeviceRadixSort backend that improves performance by up to 2x on supported keys and hardware. 

The CMake package and build system for both libraries continue to improve with add_subdirectory support, installation rules, status messages, and other features that make these libraries easier to use from CMake projects. 

About Thrust and CUB

Thrust provides STL-like templated interfaces to several algorithms and data structures designed for high performance heterogeneous parallel computing. Thrust abstractions are agnostic of any particular parallel framework.  CUB is a library of collective primitives and utilities. CUB is specific to CUDA C++ and its interfaces explicitly accommodate CUDA-specific features.

Thrust and CUB are complementary and are often used together. 

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