Large reservoirs are found at greater depths and in sediments that are much harder to analyze, like the recent Jack Field discovery in the Gulf of Mexico which was found at more than 20,000 feet under the sea floor. To interpret and discover these reservoirs it is necessary to acquire and process huge amounts of seismic data.
Oil and gas companies use complex algorithms to process, analyze and visualize huge seismic datasets. Processing these terabyte datasets traditionally required months of manual labor and more months of compute time for number crunching.
Today, seismic processing and interpretation can be sped up by using GPUs because GPUs perform well for the parallel computations used in these applications. Geophysicists apply advanced filters to their data and instantly see results even on multi-terabyte datasets. In addition, geophysicists can analyze the original acquired seismic (“pre-stack”) data in multiple dimensions as part of their daily workflow. Huge speed increases have been achieved by using NVIDIA Tesla GPUs. Working with terabyte data sets in real-time would not have been possible without the recent advances in NVIDIA’s GPU computing solutions.
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Speeding up Seismic Processing and Interpretation with GPUs
Sep 22, 2015
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