Christian Hundt

Dr. Christian Hundt received his master's degree in theoretical physics and his PhD in computer science. In his current role as Manager of AI Developer Technology at NVIDIA, he leads a team of scientific engineers working on performance optimizations of deep learning pipelines. He has over ten years of experience in developing algorithms in healthcare, genomics, geometric deep learning and HPC.
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Posts by Christian Hundt

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Modeling Earth’s Atmosphere with Spherical Fourier Neural Operators

Machine learning-based weather prediction has emerged as a promising complement to traditional numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Models such as NVIDIA... 8 MIN READ
Data Science

Maximizing Performance with Massively Parallel Hash Maps on GPUs

Decades of computer science history have been devoted to devising solutions for efficient storage and retrieval of information. Hash maps (or hash tables) are a... 19 MIN READ
Data Science

Machine Learning Frameworks Interoperability, Part 3: Zero-Copy in Action using an E2E Pipeline

Introduction Efficient pipeline design is crucial for data scientists. When composing complex end-to-end workflows, you may choose from a wide variety of... 7 MIN READ
Data Science

Machine Learning Frameworks Interoperability, Part 2: Data Loading and Data Transfer Bottlenecks

Efficient pipeline design is crucial for data scientists. When composing complex end-to-end workflows, you may choose from a wide variety of building blocks,... 6 MIN READ
Data Science

Machine Learning Frameworks Interoperability, Part 1: Memory Layouts and Memory Pools

Introduction Efficient pipeline design is crucial for data scientists. When composing complex end-to-end workflows, you may choose from a wide variety of... 10 MIN READ
Data Science

Aligning Time Series at the Speed of Light

To say it with the words of Eamonn Keogh: “Time series is a ubiquitous and increasingly prevalent type of data […]”. Virtually any incrementally measured... 10 MIN READ