Ajay Thorve

Ajay Thorve is a software engineer at Nvidia, part of the Visualization team in the RAPIDS organization. Ajay’s background is in full-stack development & Data Science and interests primarily include JavaScript/TypeScript & Python. Currently, Ajay’s work in the RAPIDS viz team mainly focuses on contributing to the cuXfilter and node-rapids projects.
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Posts by Ajay Thorve

A man working at a laptop.
Data Science

Maximize GPU performance with Near-Real-Time Usage Stats on NVDashboard v0.10

At NVIDIA GTC 2024, the RAPIDS team demonstrated new features on NVDashboard v0.10 a dashboard that runs on JupyterLab, for monitoring GPU usage to help... 6 MIN READ
Data Science

Accelerated Data Analytics: A Guide to Data Visualization with RAPIDS

Visualization brings data to life, unveiling hidden patterns and insights through accessible visuals, and empowering you and your organization to perceive the... 10 MIN READ
Data Science

GPU Accelerating Node.js JavaScript for Visualization and Beyond

NVIDIA GTC21 had numerous great and engaging contents, especially around RAPIDS, so it would be easy to miss our debut presentation “Using RAPIDS to... 6 MIN READ
Data Science

Making a Plotly Dash Census Viz Powered by RAPIDS

TL; DR The use of Plotly's Dash, RAPIDS, and Data shader allows users to build viz dashboards that both render datasets of 300 million+ rows and remain highly... 9 MIN READ
Data Science

Interactively Visualizing a DriveTime Radius from Any Point in the US

What is geospatial drive time? Geospatial analytics is an important part of real estate decisions for businesses, especially for retailers. There are many... 8 MIN READ