NVIDIA® Jetson™ Linux Driver Package (L4T) is the board support package for Jetson. It includes Linux Kernel 4.9, bootloader, NVIDIA drivers, flashing utilities, sample filesystem based on Ubuntu 18.04, and more for the Jetson platform.

NVIDIA Jetson Linux 32.7.6

L4T 32.7.6 is a minor release on top of L4T 32.7.4 and includes security fixes. Rest of the features are the same as L4T 32.7.2. It supports Jetson modules: Jetson AGX Xavier series, Jetson Xavier NX series, Jetson TX2 series, Jetson TX1, and Jetson Nano. All Jetson developer kits from the listed product families are also supported.

Jetson Linux 32.7.6 is included as part of JetPack 4.6.6

See the online Jetson Linux Developer Guide for detailed documentation.

End of life notice for L4T R32 (JetPack 4)

Jetson Linux R32.7.6 with JetPack 4.6.6 marks the final release for Jetson Linux R32 and JetPack 4. We highly encourage all our Xavier customers and developers to transition to the latest releases within the Jetson Linux R35 (JetPack 5) for optimal performance and continued support. For ongoing maintenance beyond Jetson Linux R32.7.6, we encourage you to collaborate with our ecosystem partners TimeSys and Codethink.

Supported Features

  • Security patches
  • Support for new DRAM part: Micron MT53E1G32D2FW-046 WT:B

Vulkan Support on Jetson Linux

Downloads and Links

To access other Jetson Linux release pages, please visit the Jetson Linux Archive.