Jin Li

Jin Li is a Data Scientist in the Solutions Architect group at NVIDIA, working on applying deep learning models in different domains, such as Intelligent Video Analytics and Natural Language Processing. Prior to NVIDIA, Jin obtained her MS in Machine Learning from Carnegie Mellon University, where she focused on deep learning applications for computer vision.
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Posts by Jin Li

Frame by frame identification and tracking in endoscopy
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

AI in Endoscopy: Improving Detection Rates and Visibility with Real-Time Sensing

Clinical applications for AI are improving digital surgery, helping to reduce errors, provide consistency, and enable surgeon augmentations that were previously... 4 MIN READ
Conversational AI

Jump-start AI Training with NGC Pretrained Models On-Premises and in the Cloud

Figure 1. NGC software stack. The process of building an AI-powered solution from start to finish can be daunting. First, datasets must be curated and... 11 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Building a Real-time Redaction App Using NVIDIA DeepStream, Part 2: Deployment

This post is the second in a series (Part 1) that addresses the challenges of training an accurate deep learning model using a large public dataset and... 12 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Building a Real-time Redaction App Using NVIDIA DeepStream, Part 1: Training

Some of the biggest challenges in deploying an AI-based application are the accuracy of the model and being able to extract insights in real time. There’s a... 9 MIN READ