Simulation / Modeling / Design

More Than 100 Accelerated Systems Now on TOP500 List

The list of the world’s TOP500 supercomputers was just published and shows the extent to which accelerated systems are shaping the future of the industry.
For the first time, more than 100 accelerated systems are on the list of the world’s 500 most powerful supercomputers, and 70 of these are Tesla-based supercomputers – including 23 of the 24 new systems on the list which is nearly 50 percent compound annual growth over the past five years.
“One day, all supercomputers will be accelerated,” said Jen-Hsun Huang, co-founder and chief executive officer at NVIDIA. “Leading supercomputing sites around the world have turned to GPU-accelerated computing, reflected in today’s TOP500 list. As the pace of discovery accelerates and researchers turn to computation, machine learning and visualization, we fully expect to see this trend increase.”

The Tesla-based Titan Supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the fastest supercomputer in the United States.

The Tesla Platform has grown steadily since 2008, with over 370-GPU-accelerated applications now available.
A new study by Intersect360 Research shows that nearly 70 percent of the 50 most widely used HPC applications, and 90 percent of the top 10 support GPU-accelerated computing. Among them is the recently announced acceleration of VASP – an atomistic simulation application used by researchers around the world to model the behavior of individual atoms at the electronic level which is poised to improve solar, chip design and electric cars.
Read the entire NVIDIA press release >>

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