Yaniv Lazimy

Yaniv Lazimy is a technical product manager on the healthcare team at NVIDIA, focused on accelerated computing and connectivity solutions for medical devices. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Yaniv was an embedded systems engineer at NeuWave Medical and Johnson and Johnson.
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Posts by Yaniv Lazimy

Image of a warehouse simulation.
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

New Reference Applications for Edge AI Developers on HoloHub with NVIDIA Holoscan v0.5

Edge AI applications, whether in airports, cars, military operations, or hospitals, rely on high-powered sensor streaming applications that enable real-time... 10 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

New Sensor Partners Expand Surgical, Ultrasound, and Data Acquisition Capabilities in the NVIDIA Clara Holoscan Platform

New advances in computation make it possible for medical devices to automatically detect, measure, predict, simulate, map, and guide clinical care teams. NVIDIA... 5 MIN READ
Closeup of a surgeon at work.
Content Creation / Rendering

Supporting Low-Latency Streaming Video for AI-Powered Medical Devices with Clara Holoscan

NVIDIA Clara Holoscan provides a scalable medical device computing platform for developers to create AI microservices and deliver insights in real time. The... 5 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Accelerating Multiorgan Rendering for Radiology and Radiation Therapy with NVIDIA Clara Holoscan

Watch NVIDIA founder and CEO  Jensen Huang’s GTC keynote address streaming on Nov. 9 and in replay. Tune in to a healthcare special address by Kimberly... 13 MIN READ