Scot Schultz

Scot Schultz is an HPC technology specialist with a focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning systems. Scot has broad knowledge in distributed computing, operating systems, AI frameworks, high speed interconnects, and processor technologies. Throughout his career, with more than 25 years of experience in high-performance computing systems, his responsibilities included various engineering and leadership roles, including strategic HPC technology ecosystem enablement. Scot has been instrumental with the growth and development of numerous industry-standards organizations.
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Posts by Scot Schultz

Picture of servers in a data center.
Networking / Communications

Advancing Performance with NVIDIA SHARP In-Network Computing

AI and scientific computing applications are great examples of distributed computing problems. The problems are too large and the computations too intensive to... 7 MIN READ
Decorative image of networking switches.
Networking / Communications

Optimize Large-Scale AI Workloads with NVIDIA Spectrum-X

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying ahead of the curve is not just a goal—it's a necessity. The surge of innovations, particularly... 5 MIN READ
Networking / Communications

Ushering In a New Era of HPC and Supercomputing Performance with DPUs

Supercomputers are used to model and simulate the most complex processes in scientific computing, often for insight into new discoveries that otherwise would be... 8 MIN READ
Networking / Communications

Accelerating Cloud-Native Supercomputing with Magnum IO

Supercomputers are significant investments. However they are extremely valuable tools for researchers and scientists. To effectively and securely share the... 4 MIN READ
Networking / Communications

Managing Data Centers Securely and Intelligently with NVIDIA UFM Cyber-AI

Today’s data centers host many users and a wide variety of applications. They have even become the key element of competitive advantage for research,... 6 MIN READ