Rishi Puri

Rishi Puri graduated from UC Berkeley and is a lead engineer for the Deep Learning FrameWork PyG at NVIDIA. He is also a core contributor to the open source PyG framework and community.
Rishi Puri NVIDIA

Posts by Rishi Puri

PyG and Accelerated with NVIDIA logos on a white background.
Data Science

Release: PyTorch Geometric Container for GNNs on NGC

The NVIDIA PyG container, now generally available, packages PyTorch Geometric with accelerations for GNN models, dataloading, and pre-processing using... 1 MIN READ
Image is the DGL and PyG logos with the words Accelerated by NVIDIA.
Data Science

Available Now: NVIDIA AI Accelerated DGL and PyG Containers for GNNs

From credit card transactions, social networks, and recommendation systems to transportation networks and protein-protein interactions in biology, graphs are... 9 MIN READ