Rick Zamora

Richard (Rick) Zamora is a Senior Systems Software Engineer on the RAPIDS team at NVIDIA. After earning his PhD at Cornell University, he began his career in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and eventually moved into parallel-computing research and high-performance software engineering. Richard is currently working to improve the performance and scalability of RAPIDS+Dask, and is a frequent contributor to several open-source libraries.
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Posts by Rick Zamora

Data Science

Best Practices for Multi-GPU Data Analysis Using RAPIDS with Dask

As we move towards a more dense computing infrastructure, with more compute, more GPUs, accelerated networking, and so forth—multi-gpu training and analysis... 5 MIN READ
Data Science

Optimizing Access to Parquet Data with fsspec

As datasets continue to grow in size, the adoption of cloud-storage platforms like Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage (GCS) are becoming more popular. Although... 12 MIN READ
Data Science

GPU Dashboards in Jupyter Lab

This post was originally published on the RAPIDS AI blog here. Introduction NVDashboard is an open-source package for the real-time visualization of NVIDIA GPU... 8 MIN READ