Peter Rizk

Peter Rizk is the director of technical marketing in the Networking group at NVIDIA, supporting Spectrum switches, Cumulus Linux, NetQ, and NVIDIA Air. He has over 20 years of industry experience and worked for Apple, 3Com, PMC-Sierra, and Infoblox. He has an extensive background in networking, security, and storage. Peter received a BS in computer science from San Jose State University and earlier in his career taught networking courses at the UC Santa Cruz extension.
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Posts by Peter Rizk

Ethernet switches
Data Center / Cloud

Turbocharging Generative AI Workloads with NVIDIA Spectrum-X Networking Platform

Large language models (LLMs) and AI applications such as ChatGPT and DALL-E have recently seen rapid growth. Thanks to GPUs, CPUs, DPUs, high-speed storage, and... 8 MIN READ
Networking / Communications

Understanding the Need for Time-Sensitive Networking for Critical Applications

In the old days of 10 Mbps Ethernet, long before Time-Sensitive Networking became a thing, state-of-the-art shared networks basically required that packets... 10 MIN READ