Peter Entschev

Peter Andreas Entschev is a senior system software engineer in the AI Infrastructure group at NVIDIA, where he works on the RAPIDS stack, building GPU-enabled distributed software. Before NVIDIA, he worked on real-time computer vision systems for various applications. He holds an MSc in electrical engineering and applied computer science from the Federal University of Technology - ParanĂ¡, Brazil.
Peter Entschev

Posts by Peter Entschev

Data Science

Debugging a Mixed Python and C Language Stack

Debugging is difficult. Debugging across multiple languages is especially challenging, and debugging across devices often requires a team with varying skill... 18 MIN READ
Data Science

High-Performance Python Communication with UCX-Py

TL;DR UCX/UCX-Py is an accelerated networking library designed for low-latency high-bandwidth transfers for both host and GPU device memory objects.  You... 9 MIN READ