Mickael Ide

Mickael Ide is a Machine Learning Engineer on the RAPIDS team at NVIDIA, focused on developing GPU-accelerated algorithms for machine learning. Mickael holds a master degree in Computer Science.
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Posts by Mickael Ide

Data Center / Cloud

Accelerating Vector Search: Fine-Tuning GPU Index Algorithms

In this post, we dive deeper into each of the GPU-accelerated indexes mentioned in part 1 and give a brief explanation of how the algorithms work, along with a... 12 MIN READ
Data Center / Cloud

Accelerating Vector Search: Using GPU-Powered Indexes with NVIDIA cuVS

In the current AI landscape, vector search is one of the hottest topics due to its applications in large language models (LLM) and generative AI. Semantic... 11 MIN READ
Accelerating classification on sparse data with GPUs and a splash of Bayes
Data Science

Faster Text Classification with Naive Bayes and GPUs

Naive Bayes (NB) is a simple but powerful probabilistic classification technique that parallelizes well and can scale to datasets of massive size.  If you... 11 MIN READ