Hainan Xu

Hainan Xu is a staff research scientist at NVIDIA where he focuses on developing new methods and architectures for sequence modeling in the realm of speech and natural language processing. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University, advised by Daniel Povey and Sanjeev Khudanpur.
Hainan Xu

Posts by Hainan Xu

Generative AI

Turbocharge ASR Accuracy and Speed with NVIDIA NeMo Parakeet-TDT

NVIDIA NeMo, an end-to-end platform for developing multimodal generative AI models at scale anywhere—on any cloud and on-premises—recently released... 6 MIN READ
Conversational AI

NVIDIA Speech and Translation AI Models Set Records for Speed and Accuracy

Speech and translation AI models developed at NVIDIA are pushing the boundaries of performance and innovation. The NVIDIA Parakeet automatic speech recognition... 8 MIN READ