Gigon Bae

Gigon Bae is a software engineer at NVIDIA, working on NVIDIA Clara, a healthcare application framework for AI-powered imaging, genomics, and for the development and deployment of smart sensors. He previously worked in the Camera team as a camera software engineer for the Android/Linux camera module on the NVIDIA Jetson/Shield platform. Before joining NVIDIA in 2015, he obtained a Ph.D. from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) with a specialization in software testing and program analysis, with emphasis on the application of automated test case generation techniques to GUI software and unit-level code, and on empirical studies.
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Posts by Gigon Bae

Digital pathology WSI
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Accelerating Digital Pathology Workflows Using cuCIM and NVIDIA GPUDirect Storage

Whole slide imaging (WSI), the digitization of tissue on slides using whole slide scanners, is gaining traction in healthcare. WSI enables clinicians in... 10 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Enhanced Image Analysis with Multidimensional Image Processing

Image data can generally be described through two dimensions (rows and columns), with a possible additional dimension for the colors red, green, blue (RGB).... 5 MIN READ
Data Science

Accelerating Scikit-Image API with cuCIM: n-Dimensional Image Processing and I/O on GPUs

Overview cuCIM is a new RAPIDS library for accelerated n-dimensional image processing and image I/O. The project is now publicly available under a permissive... 7 MIN READ