Evelina Bakhturina

Evelina Bakhturina is a deep learning applied scientist at NVIDIA focusing on natural language processing tasks and the NVIDIA NeMo framework. She graduated with a master's degree in data science from New York University.
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Posts by Evelina Bakhturina

Conversational AI

Text Normalization and Inverse Text Normalization with NVIDIA NeMo

Text normalization (TN) converts text from written form into its verbalized form, and it is an essential preprocessing step before text-to-speech (TTS). TN... 9 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Building and Deploying Conversational AI Models Using NVIDIA TAO Toolkit

Sign up for the latest Speech AI news from NVIDIA. Conversational AI is a set of technologies enabling human-like interactions between humans and devices based... 25 MIN READ