Doyub Kim

Doyub Kim is a principal research scientist at NVIDIA, working at the intersection of machine learning and simulation. Before joining NVIDIA in late 2019, he worked in the industry for several years at Microsoft, Uber, and Apple, focusing on 3D maps, simulation, and computer vision technology. Before that, Doyub Kim was a postdoc at Carnegie Mellon University and a visiting researcher at the University of California - Berkeley, focusing on data-driven physics simulation. Before that, he received his Ph.D. from Seoul National University in physics-based animation.
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Posts by Doyub Kim

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Optimizing Large-Scale Sparse Volumetric Data with NVIDIA NeuralVDB Early Access

Building on the past decade’s development of OpenVDB, the introduction of NVIDIA NeuralVDB is a game-changer for developers and researchers working with... 4 MIN READ