Dhabaleswar K (DK) Panda

DK Panda is the founder and CEO of X-ScaleSolutions and a professor and Distinguished Scholar of Computer Science at Ohio State University. He obtained his PhD in computer engineering from the University of Southern California. His research interests include parallel computer architecture, high performance networking, InfiniBand, network-based computing, exascale computing, deep learning, programming models, GPUs and accelerators, high performance file systems and storage, virtualization and cloud computing and big data (Hadoop - HDFS, MapReduce, and HBase - and Memcached). He has published over 500 papers in major journals and at international conferences related to these research areas. Dr. Panda has served as program chair/co-chair/vice chair of many international conferences and workshops, and has served as program committee member for more than 100 international conferences and workshops, as an IEEE Distinguished Visitor, and an IEEE Chapters Tutorial Speaker. He has delivered a large number of invited keynote/plenary talks, tutorials, and presentations worldwide. Dr. Panda is a Fellow of IEEE and a member of ACM.
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Posts by Dhabaleswar K (DK) Panda

Networking / Communications

Accelerating Scientific Applications in HPC Clusters with NVIDIA DPUs Using the MVAPICH2-DPU MPI Library

High-performance computing (HPC) and AI have driven supercomputers into wide commercial use as the primary data processing engines enabling research, scientific... 7 MIN READ