Delilah Liu

Delilah Liu is a senior industry go-to-market manager, marketing NVIDIA's enterprise solutions to game development companies. Delilah has designed and executed marketing strategies for global brands such as Microsoft 365, Minecraft, and the World Bank. She has an MA in International Relations from George Washington University and an MBA from the University of Virginia.
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Posts by Delilah Liu

Generative AI

Evolving AI-Powered Game Development with Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Game development is a complex and resource-intensive process, particularly when using advanced tools like Unreal Engine. Developers find themselves navigating... 6 MIN READ
Content Creation / Rendering

New NVIDIA Maxine Microservices Enhance Real-Time Audio and Video Effects for Conferences at Scale

At CES 2023, NVIDIA Maxine announced SDK updates and new microservices, enabling clear communications in video conferences through private or public clouds.... 4 MIN READ