Alan Wolfe

Originally a self-taught hobbyist game programmer, Alan has over 20 years of game dev experience, with shipped titles including StarCraft 2, Heroes of the Storm, Gotham City Impostors, Line Rider, and Insanely twisted shadow planet. Alan has an unhealthy level of fascination with blue noise and other stochastic rendering methods.
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Posts by Alan Wolfe

Content Creation / Rendering

Rendering in Real Time with Spatiotemporal Blue Noise Textures, Part 2

In the first post, Rendering in Real Time with Spatiotemporal Blue Noise, Part 1,  we introduced the time axis and importance sampling to blue noise... 17 MIN READ
Content Creation / Rendering

Rendering in Real Time with Spatiotemporal Blue Noise Textures, Part 1

Blue noise textures are useful for providing per-pixel random values to make noise patterns in renderings. Blue noise textures are harder to see and easier to... 11 MIN READ