Avinash Baliga

Avinash Baliga manages the Graphics Profiler Technology group within NVIDIA DevTools, focused on evolving NVIDIA software and hardware profiling capabilities for Nsight Graphics GPU Trace and Shader Profiler. He joined NVIDIA in 2008 and has enjoyed working on a variety of products ranging from CUDA debuggers, profiler libraries, NVIDIA Nsight Perf SDK, and Nintendo Switch tools. Prior to NVIDIA, he developed Nintendo Wii debugger tools at Freescale/NXP. Avinash received his M.S. in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.
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Posts by Avinash Baliga

A GIF showing one of the new features of NSight.
Content Creation / Rendering

Upgrade Your Graphics: Explore New Ray Tracing Features for NVIDIA Nsight Tools

The union of ray tracing and AI is pushing graphics fidelity and performance to new heights. Helping you build optimized, bug-free applications in this era of... 5 MIN READ
Image of a city street at night with neon signs.
Content Creation / Rendering

Migrating from Range Profiler to GPU Trace in Nsight Graphics

Starting in Nsight Graphics 2023.1, the GPU Trace Profiler is the best way to profile your graphics application at the frame level. The Frame Profiler activity,... 8 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

NVIDIA Nsight Perf SDK v2021.1 Now Available

The Nsight Perf SDK v2021.1 public release is now available for download. New features include: Simplified APIs to measure GPU performance within your... 2 MIN READ