Jonathon Evans

Jonathon Evans is an NVIDIA Distinguished Engineer and architecture lead for the NVIDIA Grace CPU. Jonathon joined NVIDIA in 2007 as a member of the GPU Architecture team. His prior work on GPU includes leading the GPU’s context management and scheduling HW team, and contributions to Async Compute, Unified Memory, Multi Instance GPU, and WDDM HW Scheduling.

Posts by Jonathon Evans

NVIDIA Grace CPU 개발 이야기: HPC와 AI를 위한 슈퍼칩 엔지니어링에 힘을 쏟는 NVIDIA

NVIDIA Grace CPU는 NVIDIA에서 처음으로 개발한 데이터 센터 CPU입니다. 개발 목적은 세계 최초의 슈퍼칩 설계였습니다. 6 MIN READ