Aastha Jhunjhunwala

Aastha Jhunjhunwala joined NVIDIA as part of the New College Grad rotation program in 2021 after graduating with a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. Her background is in molecular dynamics and machine learning. As a Solutions Architect at NVIDIA, she has been involved in HPC and DL work streams in healthcare. She is passionate about the applications of AI in computational chemistry and drug discovery.

Posts by Aastha Jhunjhunwala

NVIDIA Math 라이브러리를 통한 GPU 애플리케이션 가속

오늘날 GPU 애플리케이션을 가속할 수 있는 주요 방법은 컴파일러 지시문, 프로그래밍 언어, 프로그래밍된 라이브러리 등 세 가지가 있습니다. 7 MIN READ