NVIDIA DriveWorks API: Rig Configuration
Description: This file defines vehicle rig configuration methods.
Definition in file Rig.h.
Go to the source code of this file.
Typedefs | |
typedef struct dwRigObject const * | dwConstRigHandle_t |
typedef struct dwRigObject * | dwRigHandle_t |
Handle representing the Rig interface. More... | |
Functions | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_addOrSetPropertyByName (char8_t const *const propertyValue, char8_t const *const propertyName, dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
Overwrite content of an existing rig property. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_addOrSetSensorPropertyByName (char8_t const *const propertyValue, char8_t const *const propertyName, uint32_t const sensorId, dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
Overwrite content of an existing sensor property. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_findSensorByName (uint32_t *const sensorId, char8_t const *const sensorName, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Finds the sensor with the given name and returns its index. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_findSensorByTypeIndex (uint32_t *const sensorId, dwSensorType const sensorType, uint32_t const sensorTypeIndex, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Finds the absolute sensor index of the Nth sensor of a given type. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_findSensorIdFromVehicleIOId (uint32_t *const sensorId, uint32_t const vehicleIOId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Finds a sensor with the given vehicleIO ID and returns the index. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getCameraModel (dwCameraModel *const cameraModel, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the model type of the camera intrinsics. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getCameraTimestampPath (char8_t const **const timestampPath, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets path to camera timestamp file. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getFThetaCameraConfig (dwFThetaCameraConfig *const config, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the parameters of the FTheta camera model. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getFThetaCameraConfigNew (dwFThetaCameraConfig *const config, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the parameters of the FTheta camera model. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getGenericVehicle (dwGenericVehicle *const vehicle, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the properties of a generic vehicle (car or truck). More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getNominalSensorToRigTransformation (dwTransformation3f *const transformation, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the nominal sensor to rig transformation for a sensor. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getNominalSensorToSensorTransformation (dwTransformation3f *const transformation, uint32_t const sensorIdFrom, uint32_t const sensorIdTo, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the nominal sensor to sensor transformation for a pair of sensors. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getPinholeCameraConfig (dwPinholeCameraConfig *const config, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the parameters of the Pinhole camera model. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getPropertyByName (char8_t const **const propertyValue, char8_t const *const propertyName, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Returns property stored inside of rig. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorCount (uint32_t *const sensorCount, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the number of all available sensors. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorCountOfType (uint32_t *const sensorCount, dwSensorType const sensorType, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Find number of sensors of a given type. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorDataPath (char8_t const **const dataPath, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets path to sensor recording. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorFLUToRigTransformation (dwTransformation3f *const transformation, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the sensor FLU to rig transformation for a sensor. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorName (char8_t const **const sensorName, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the name of a sensor as given in the configuration. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorParameter (char8_t const **const sensorParameter, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the parameter string for a sensor. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorParameterUpdatedPath (char8_t const **const sensorParameter, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the parameter string for a sensor with any path described by file=,video=,timestamp= property modified to be in respect to the current rig file's directory (if initializing a rig from file), or in respect to the relativeBasePath (when initializing a rig from string). More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorPropertyByName (char8_t const **const propertyValue, char8_t const *const propertyName, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Returns property stored inside of a sensor. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorProtocol (char8_t const **const sensorProtocol, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the protocol string of a sensor. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorToRigTransformation (dwTransformation3f *const transformation, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the sensor to rig transformation for a sensor. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorToSensorTransformation (dwTransformation3f *const transformation, uint32_t const sensorIdFrom, uint32_t const sensorIdTo, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the sensor to sensor transformation for a pair of sensors. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getSensorType (dwSensorType *const sensorType, uint32_t const sensorId, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Returns the type of sensor based upon the sensorID sent into the method. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getVehicle (dwVehicle const **const vehicle, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
DEPRECATED: Gets the properties of a passenger car vehicle. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_getVehicleIOConfigCount (uint32_t *const vioConfigCount, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
Gets the number of vehicle IO sensors. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_initializeFromFile (dwRigHandle_t *const obj, dwContextHandle_t const ctx, char8_t const *const configurationFile) |
Initializes the Rig Configuration module from a file. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_initializeFromString (dwRigHandle_t *const obj, dwContextHandle_t const ctx, char8_t const *const configurationString, char8_t const *const relativeBasePath) |
Initializes the Rig Configuration module from a string. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_release (dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
Releases the Rig Configuration module. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_reset (dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
Resets the Rig Configuration module. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_serializeToFile (char8_t const *const configurationFile, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj) |
This method serializes the rig-configuration object to a human-readable rig-configuration file. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_setFThetaCameraConfig (dwFThetaCameraConfig const *const config, uint32_t const sensorId, dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
Sets the parameters of the FTheta camera model. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_setGenericVehicle (dwGenericVehicle const *const vehicle, dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
Sets the properties of a generic vehicle (car or truck). More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_setPinholeCameraConfig (dwPinholeCameraConfig const *const config, uint32_t const sensorId, dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
Sets the parameters of the pinhole camera model. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_setSensorParameter (char8_t const *const sensorParameter, uint32_t const sensorId, dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
Sets the parameter string for a sensor. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_setSensorToRigTransformation (dwTransformation3f const *const transformation, uint32_t const sensorId, dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
Sets the sensor to rig transformation for a sensor. More... | |
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus | dwRig_setVehicle (dwVehicle const *const vehicle, dwRigHandle_t const obj) |
DEPRECATED: Sets the properties of a passenger car vehicle. More... | |