DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.14.77 Release
For Test and Development only

Core Context

Detailed Description

Defines the core Context methods of the SDK.

Data Structures

struct  dwContextParameters
 A set of parameters that is passed to the SDK to create the context. More...
struct  dwCustomizedFileFunctions
 Data structure representing a customized FileStream that can be passed in. More...


typedef struct dwContextObject const * dwConstContextHandle_t
typedef struct dwModuleObject const * dwConstModuleHandle_t
typedef struct dwContextObject * dwContextHandle_t
 Context handle. More...
typedef void * dwCustomizedFileHandle
 FileStream function pointers handle. More...
typedef struct dwModuleObject * dwModuleHandle_t
 The Generic Module Object Handle. More...
typedef struct dwVisualizationContextObject const * dwVisualizationConstContextHandle_t
typedef struct dwVisualizationContextObject * dwVisualizationContextHandle_t
 Context handle. More...


enum  dwPTPStatus {
 Defines PTP synchronization status. More...


DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_advanceTime (dwTime_t const newTime, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Advances the virtual time to newTime. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getCUDAProperties (int32_t *const driverVersion, int32_t *const apiVersion, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Returns Driver and Runtime API version of CUDA on the current machine. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getCurrentTime (dwTime_t *const time, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Returns the current timestamp. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getDataPath (char8_t const **const dataPath, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Gets the initial data path of the library that contains the driveworks context. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getDLAEngineCount (int32_t *const count, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Get the available DLA engines count. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUArchitecture (char8_t const **const architecture, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Returns the architecture for the currently selected CUDA device. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUAttribute (int32_t *const value, cudaDeviceAttr const attribute, int32_t const deviceNum, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Returns the value of the selected CUDA attribute for the specific CUDA device. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUCount (int32_t *const count, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Get the available GPU devices count. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUDeviceCurrent (int32_t *const deviceNumber, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Returns the currently selected GPU device. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUDeviceType (dwGPUDeviceType *const deviceType, int32_t const deviceNum, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Returns the device type of the input GPU number. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUProperties (dwGPUDeviceProperties *const properties, int32_t const deviceNum, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Returns the properties for the specific CUDA device. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getNvSciBufModule (NvSciBufModule *mod, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Get the nvscibuf module. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getNvSciSyncModule (NvSciSyncModule *mod, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Get the NvSciSync module. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getTimePTPSynchronizationStatus (dwPTPStatus *const status, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Get the PTP synchronization status of time source inside the context. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getTimeSource (dwTimeSourceHandle_t *const source, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Retrieve time source used in the context. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getUseVirtualTime (bool *const useVirtualTime, dwContextHandle_t const ctx)
 Check if in virtual time mode. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_isTimePTPSynchronized (bool *const flag, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Check if the used time source inside the context is synchronized over PTP. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_selectGPUDevice (int32_t const deviceNumber, dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Selects a GPU device, if available. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_setCustomFileFunctions (dwContextHandle_t const context, dwCustomizedFileFunctions *const fileFunctionPtr)
 Set the customized fileStream function pointers in context. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwGetLastError (char8_t const **const errorMsg)
 Retrieves the last error encountered. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwInitialize (dwContextHandle_t *const context, dwVersion const headerVersion, dwContextParameters const *const params)
 Creates and initializes an SDK context. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRelease (dwContextHandle_t const context)
 Releases the context. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwVisualizationGetDWContext (dwContextHandle_t *dwctx, dwVisualizationContextHandle_t context)
 Return DW context associated with this visualization library. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwVisualizationInitialize (dwVisualizationContextHandle_t *vizContext, dwContextHandle_t ctx)
 Creates and initializes a Visualization SDK context. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwVisualizationRelease (dwVisualizationContextHandle_t context)
 Releases the context. More...

Data Structure Documentation

◆ dwContextParameters

struct dwContextParameters
Data Fields
const char8_t * dataPath Path where all DriveWorks related data required during runtime are stored.

If path is set to NULL, then a data folder is looked for in typical install locations in relation to the current driveworks library install location.

bool enableCudaTaskGraph if true, Cuda task-graph will be used where possible.
bool enablePVA if true, PVA platform will be enabled.
Without PVA some SDK modules will stop working properly.
There can be maximum 4 SDK contexts with PVA running simultaneously.
This parameter only has effect on platforms containing PVA, it is otherwise ignored.
bool skipCudaInit if true will skip CUDA initialization in the context
Without CUDA some SDK modules will stop working properly.
bool useVirtualTime if true, the context's time source will be a virtual clock.

This clock must be advanced manually, see dwContext_advanceTime

Typedef Documentation

◆ dwConstContextHandle_t

typedef struct dwContextObject const* dwConstContextHandle_t

Definition at line 87 of file Context.h.

◆ dwConstModuleHandle_t

typedef struct dwModuleObject const* dwConstModuleHandle_t

Definition at line 91 of file Context.h.

◆ dwContextHandle_t

typedef struct dwContextObject* dwContextHandle_t

Context handle.

Definition at line 86 of file Context.h.

◆ dwCustomizedFileHandle

typedef void* dwCustomizedFileHandle

FileStream function pointers handle.

Definition at line 143 of file Context.h.

◆ dwModuleHandle_t

typedef struct dwModuleObject* dwModuleHandle_t

The Generic Module Object Handle.

Definition at line 90 of file Context.h.

◆ dwVisualizationConstContextHandle_t

typedef struct dwVisualizationContextObject const* dwVisualizationConstContextHandle_t

Definition at line 68 of file Visualization.h.

◆ dwVisualizationContextHandle_t

typedef struct dwVisualizationContextObject* dwVisualizationContextHandle_t

Context handle.

Definition at line 67 of file Visualization.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dwPTPStatus

Defines PTP synchronization status.


PTP synchronization is not started.


No error.


PTP synchronization lost.


PTP internal error.

Definition at line 213 of file Context.h.

Function Documentation

◆ dwContext_advanceTime()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_advanceTime ( dwTime_t const  newTime,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Advances the virtual time to newTime.

DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the given context is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_CALL_NOT_ALLOWED if the given context is not using a virtual time source.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getCUDAProperties()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getCUDAProperties ( int32_t *const  driverVersion,
int32_t *const  apiVersion,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Returns Driver and Runtime API version of CUDA on the current machine.

[out]driverVersionDriver version.
[out]apiVersionRuntime API version.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if context handle, driverVersion or apiVersion are NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_CUDA_ERROR in case of an underlying CUDA failure.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getCurrentTime()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getCurrentTime ( dwTime_t *const  time,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Returns the current timestamp.

Timestamps from the same context are guaranteed to be in sync. The returned time represents the absolute time as received through system time source. On POSIX based systems, the time is measured using CLOCK_MONOTONIC time source. On Windows based systems, the returned time is relative to the epoch, i.e., 31std dec, 1969.

An offset is calculated and added to CLOCK_MONOTONIC, to ensure the time has an epoch base.
[out]timeA pointer to the return time to a given location, in [us].
[in]contextSpecifies the context.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if given context handle or time is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getDataPath()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getDataPath ( char8_t const **const  dataPath,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Gets the initial data path of the library that contains the driveworks context.

Note: Later added data paths are not returned here.

[out]dataPathPath to the Driveworks data.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if context handle or descriptor pointer is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getDLAEngineCount()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getDLAEngineCount ( int32_t *const  count,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Get the available DLA engines count.

[out]countThe number of DLA engines available.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if context handle or descriptor pointer is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getGPUArchitecture()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUArchitecture ( char8_t const **const  architecture,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Returns the architecture for the currently selected CUDA device.

[out]architectureA string containing the architecture.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if value pointer or context handle is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getGPUAttribute()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUAttribute ( int32_t *const  value,
cudaDeviceAttr const  attribute,
int32_t const  deviceNum,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Returns the value of the selected CUDA attribute for the specific CUDA device.

[out]valueInteger representing the value of the requested attribute.
[in]attributeSpecifies the attribute requested.
[in]deviceNumSpecifies the device number.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if value pointer or context handle is NULL or context is NULL or if the input device number does not match to the number of available devices or if the selected device doesn't exist.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_CUDA_ERROR in case of an underlying CUDA failure.
DW_NOT_AVAILABLE if no GPU devices are available.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getGPUCount()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUCount ( int32_t *const  count,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Get the available GPU devices count.

[out]countThe number of GPU devices available.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if context handle is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getGPUDeviceCurrent()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUDeviceCurrent ( int32_t *const  deviceNumber,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Returns the currently selected GPU device.

If no device is selected, will return -1.

[out]deviceNumberThe number of GPU device.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if context handle is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getGPUDeviceType()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUDeviceType ( dwGPUDeviceType *const  deviceType,
int32_t const  deviceNum,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Returns the device type of the input GPU number.

[out]deviceTypeThe type of GPU device.
[in]deviceNumSpecifies the device number.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if context handle is NULL or number is invalid or if the input device number does not match to the number of available devices.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getGPUProperties()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getGPUProperties ( dwGPUDeviceProperties *const  properties,
int32_t const  deviceNum,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Returns the properties for the specific CUDA device.

[out]propertiesA struct containing the properties.
[in]deviceNumSpecifies the device number.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if value pointer or context handle is NULL or deviceNum doesn't exist or if the input device number does not match to the number of available devices.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_CUDA_ERROR in case of an underlying CUDA failure.
DW_NOT_AVAILABLE if no GPU devices are available.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getNvSciBufModule()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getNvSciBufModule ( NvSciBufModule *  mod,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Get the nvscibuf module.

[out]modThe nvscibuf module
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if mod is NULL. DW_SUCCESS if module has been successfully updated with NvSciBufModule owned by DriveWorks.
the nvscibuf module is owned by the DriveWorks context and shall not be closed by the application.

◆ dwContext_getNvSciSyncModule()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getNvSciSyncModule ( NvSciSyncModule *  mod,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Get the NvSciSync module.

[out]modThe nvscisync module
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_SUCCESS if module has been successfully updated with NvSciSyncModule owned by DriveWorks.
the NvSciSync module is owned by the DriveWorks context and shall not be closed by the application.

◆ dwContext_getTimePTPSynchronizationStatus()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getTimePTPSynchronizationStatus ( dwPTPStatus *const  status,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Get the PTP synchronization status of time source inside the context.

[out]statusReturn PTP synchronization status.
[in]contextSpecifies the context.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if given context handle or time is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_NOT_SUPPORTED if the method is called on a system where PTP synchronized time is not supported, i.e. PDK < or x86 based host.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_getTimeSource()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getTimeSource ( dwTimeSourceHandle_t *const  source,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Retrieve time source used in the context.

[out]sourceHadle to the time source used by the context
[in]contextSpecifies the context.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if given context handle or source is null.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.
Ownership of the time source remains by the context.

◆ dwContext_getUseVirtualTime()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_getUseVirtualTime ( bool *const  useVirtualTime,
dwContextHandle_t const  ctx 

Check if in virtual time mode.

[out]useVirtualTimeboolean for if virtual time is used.
[in]ctxSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if context handle or descriptor pointer is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_isTimePTPSynchronized()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_isTimePTPSynchronized ( bool *const  flag,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Check if the used time source inside the context is synchronized over PTP.

PTP synchronization is available starting from PDK and provides a solution to synchronize multiple NVIDIA DRIVE boxes to a common clock base. All sensor readings as well as the 'dwContext_getCurrentTime()' method will be based on the same time source.

[out]flagReturn true if PTP synchronized time is used.
[in]contextSpecifies the context.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if given context handle or time is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_NOT_SUPPORTED if the method is called on a system where PTP synchronized time is not supported, i.e. PDK < or x86 based host.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.
Synchronized time is only available if PTP daemon has been identified during context creation.
PTP time base is not guaranteed to be epoch based.
It might happen at run-time that the PTP daemon is not responding anymore and PTP synchronization will be lost. In such case DW context will continue to count based on the last synced PTP time.

◆ dwContext_selectGPUDevice()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_selectGPUDevice ( int32_t const  deviceNumber,
dwContextHandle_t const  context 

Selects a GPU device, if available.

Note that the selected gpu is valid for the current thread

[in]deviceNumberThe number of GPU device.
[in]contextSpecifies the context handle.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if context handle is NULL or the selected device doesn't exist or if the input device number does not match to the number of available devices.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is not valid.
DW_NOT_AVAILABLE if no GPU devices are available.
DW_CUDA_ERROR in case of an underlying CUDA failure.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwContext_setCustomFileFunctions()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwContext_setCustomFileFunctions ( dwContextHandle_t const  context,
dwCustomizedFileFunctions *const  fileFunctionPtr 

Set the customized fileStream function pointers in context.

[in]fileFunctionPtrdwCustomizedFileFunctions pointer to be passed into context
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if given context handle or fileFunctionPtr is NULL.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if given context handle is invalid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwGetLastError()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwGetLastError ( char8_t const **const  errorMsg)

Retrieves the last error encountered.

When a DriveWorks function reports an error, this error is stored internally. It can later be retrieved by this function. After calling this function, the error is reset and future calls will return 'DW_SUCCESS' until another error is encountered.

Error information is thread local. Each thread has its own last error and an error encountered in one thread will not be visible in another thread.

[out]errorMsgA pointer to a pointer to a string containing a description of the last error encountered. Can be NULL to just reset last error.
The code of the last error encountered, or DW_SUCCESS if no error is recorded.

◆ dwInitialize()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwInitialize ( dwContextHandle_t *const  context,
dwVersion const  headerVersion,
dwContextParameters const *const  params 

Creates and initializes an SDK context.

The context is required for initialization of the SDK modules.

[out]contextA pointer to the context handler is returned here.
[in]headerVersionSpecifies current driveworks API version (usually DW_VERSION).
[in]paramsA pointer with a set of parameters to create the SDK. Can be NULL for a default set of parameters.
DW_INVALID_VERSION if the DW version does not match the version of the library.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the input context pointer is null.
DW_INTERNAL_ERROR if SDK could not to detect platform or if the offset between realtime and monotonic clocks is too large and cannot be represented in microseconds.
DW_CANNOT_CREATE_OBJECT if the system call clock_gettime() or EGL display initialization fails.
DW_BUFFER_FULL if not enough memory for initialization is available.
DW_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if not enough memory for initialization is available.
DW_FAILURE if initialization fails.
DW_CUDA_ERROR if CUDA initialization fails.
DW_NOT_SUPPORTED if an available GPU is not supported.
DW_NOT_AVAILABLE if Deep Learning Accelerator (DLA) initialization fails or
if Programmable Vision Accelerator (PVA) initialization fails or
if EGL display initialization fails.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if context initialization fails.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwRelease()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRelease ( dwContextHandle_t const  context)

Releases the context.

Any module created with this context must be released before the context can be released.

This method renders the context handle unusable.
[in]contextThe context to be released.
DW_INVALID_HANDLE if provided context is NULL or invalid.
DW_SUCCESS if no error occurs.

◆ dwVisualizationGetDWContext()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwVisualizationGetDWContext ( dwContextHandle_t dwctx,
dwVisualizationContextHandle_t  context 

Return DW context associated with this visualization library.

[out]dwctxContext of the DW SDK as given through dwVisualizationInitialize()
[in]contextHandle to existing dwVisualization context, created with dwInitialize.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT - If provided, context pointer is null.

◆ dwVisualizationInitialize()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwVisualizationInitialize ( dwVisualizationContextHandle_t vizContext,
dwContextHandle_t  ctx 

Creates and initializes a Visualization SDK context.

The context is required for initialization of the Visualization SDK modules.

[out]vizContextA pointer to the context handler is returned here.
[in]ctxHandle to existing DW SDK context, created with dwInitialize.
DW_INVALID_VERSION - If provided context' version does not match the version of the library.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT - If provided, context pointer is null.
Visualization SDK depends on GL components, hence an automatic initialization with dwGLInitialize will happen

◆ dwVisualizationRelease()

DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwVisualizationRelease ( dwVisualizationContextHandle_t  context)

Releases the context.

Any module created with this context must be released before the context can be released.

This method renders the context handle unusable.
[in]contextThe context to be released.
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT - If provided context is NULL.