DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.14.77 Release
For Test and Development only

RigTypes.h File Reference

Detailed Description

NVIDIA DriveWorks API: Rig Configuration types for public

Description: This file defines the types for vehicle rig configuration methods.

Definition in file RigTypes.h.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  dwFThetaCameraConfig
 Configuration parameters for a calibrated FTheta camera. More...
struct  dwPinholeCameraConfig
struct  dwRadarAzimuthCorrectionModelConfig
 Configuration parameters for a radar azimuth correction model. More...
struct  dwStereographicCameraConfig
 Configuration parameters for a calibrated stereographic camera. More...
struct  dwWindshieldModelConfig
 Configuration parameters for a calibrated windshield model. More...


 index of the default extrinsic profile More...
 Defines the number of distortion coefficients for the ftheta camera model. More...
 maximal number of extrinsic profiles per sensor. More...
 Defines the maximum length of a sensor extrinsic profile name. More...
 Defines the maximum number of cameras in a rig. More...
 Defines the maximum number of sensors in a rig. More...
 Defines the maximum length of a sensor name in a rig. More...
 Defines the number of distortion coefficients for the pinhole camera model. More...
 Defines the maximum number of supports of the radar azimuth angle correction model. More...
 Defines the number of coefficients for the windshield parameters in the horizontal direction. More...
 Defines the number of coefficients for the windshield parameters in the vertical direction. More...


enum  dwCameraModel {
 Specifies the supported optical camera models. More...
enum  dwFThetaCameraPolynomialType {
 Type of polynomial stored in FTheta. More...
enum  dwWindshieldPolynomialType {
 Type of polynomial stored in Windshield Model. More...

Data Structure Documentation

◆ dwFThetaCameraConfig

struct dwFThetaCameraConfig
Data Fields
float32_t c Linear pixel transformation matrix coefficient c (top left element) If all c, d, and e are set to 0.0f, then the top lef element of the matrix will be set to 1.0f instead, creating identity as the linear transformation.
float32_t d Linear pixel transformation coefficient d (top right element).
float32_t e Linear pixel transformation coefficient e (bottom left element).
bool hasTangentials Indicates if the camera has a tangential contribution.
uint32_t height Height of the image (in pixels)
float32_t polynomial[DW_FTHETA_POLY_LENGTH] Polynomial describing either the mapping of angles to pixel-distances or the mapping of pixel-distances to angles, in dependence of the field polynomialType.

The polynomial function is defined as f(x) = polynomial[0] + polynomial[1] * x + ... + polynomial[DW_FTHETA_POLY_LENGTH - 1] * x^(DW_FTHETA_POLY_LENGTH - 1)

dwFThetaCameraPolynomialType polynomialType Defines whether the polynomial parameter either map angles to pixel-distances (called forward direction) or map pixel-distances to angles (called backward direction).
float32_t t0 Tangential contribution describing an non radial symmetric distortion effect coming from a rotational lens displacement.
[u`] = [u] + (2t0 x/z *y/z + t1/(z**2)(y**2 + 3*x**3))
[v`] = [v] + (2t1 x/z *y/z + t0/(z**2)(x**2 + 3*y**3))

Oth tangential contribution

float32_t t1 1st tangential contribution
float32_t u0 Principal point coordinates: indicating the horizontal / vertical image coordinates of the principal point relative to the origin of the image read-out area.

The top-left corner of the read-out area is defined to have image coordinates [-0.5, -0.5], meaning that the center of the first pixel (with interger-indices [0, 0] and unit extend) corresponds to the point with image coordinates [0.0, 0.0].

U coordinate for the principal point (in pixels)

float32_t v0 V coordinate for the principal point (in pixels)
uint32_t width Width of the image (in pixels)

◆ dwPinholeCameraConfig

struct dwPinholeCameraConfig
Data Fields
float32_t distortion[DW_PINHOLE_DISTORTION_LENGTH] Polynomial coefficients [k_1, k_2, k_3] that allow to map undistored, normalized image coordinates (xn, yn) to distorted normalized image coordinates (xd, yd).
float32_t focalX Focal length in the X axis (in pixels)
float32_t focalY Focal length in the Y axis (in pixels)
uint32_t height Height of the image (in pixels)
float32_t u0 U coordinate for the principal point (in pixels)
float32_t v0 V coordinate for the principal point (in pixels)
uint32_t width Width of the image (in pixels)

◆ dwRadarAzimuthCorrectionModelConfig

struct dwRadarAzimuthCorrectionModelConfig
Data Fields
float32_t correctionsRad[DW_RADAR_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION_TABLE_MAX_LENGTH] Values of correction function at support i [rad].
float32_t deltaPhiRad Equidistant spacing between supports [rad].
uint32_t numCorrections Number of correction values/supports.
float32_t phiMaxRad Maximum azimuth angle of FOV [rad].
float32_t phiMinRad Minimum azimuth angle of FOV [rad].
float32_t stddevRad[DW_RADAR_AZIMUTH_CORRECTION_TABLE_MAX_LENGTH] Standard deviation of correction function at support i [rad].

◆ dwStereographicCameraConfig

struct dwStereographicCameraConfig
Data Fields
uint32_t height Height of the image (in pixels)
float32_t hFOV Horizontal FOV (in radians)
float32_t u0 U coordinate for the principal point (in pixels)
float32_t v0 V coordinate for the principal point (in pixels)
uint32_t width Width of the image (in pixels)

◆ dwWindshieldModelConfig

struct dwWindshieldModelConfig
Data Fields
float32_t horizontalPolynomial[DW_WINDSHIELD_HORIZONTAL_POLY_LENGTH] Windshield polynomial describing the mapping of horizontal angle(phi) from ray-from-object to ray-into-camera The polynomial is 2 dimension with highest degree as DEGREE.

The number of distortion coefficients equals to (DEGREE + 1) * (DEGREE + 2) / 2

For a ray(x, y, z), horizontal angle phi is defined as: phi = asin(x/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)), vertical angle theta is defined as: theta = asin(y/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2))

The windshield horizontal polynomial function is defined as phi' = windshield_horizontal_polynomial[0] + ... + windshield_horizontal_polynomial[j * (2 * DEGREE + 3 - j) / 2 + i]* phi^(i)* theta(j) + ...

  • windshield_horizontal_polynomial[DW_WINDSHIELD_HORIZONTAL_POLY_LENGTH] * theta^(DEGREE)
dwWindshieldPolynomialType polynomialType Defines whether the polynomial parameter either map a ray from non-camera side to camera side (called forward direction) or map a ray from camera side to non-camera side (called backward direction).
float32_t verticalPolynomial[DW_WINDSHIELD_VERTICAL_POLY_LENGTH] Windshield polynomial describing the mapping of vertical angle(theta) from ray-from-object to ray-into-camera The polynomial is 2 dimension with highest degree as DEGREE.

The number of distortion coefficients equals to (DEGREE + 1) * (DEGREE + 2) / 2

For a ray(x, y, z), horizontal angle phi is defined as: phi = asin(x/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)), vertical angle theta is defined as: theta = asin(y/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2))

The windshield vertical polynomial function is defined as theta' = windshield_vertical_polynomial[0] + ... + windshield_vertical_polynomial[j * (2 * DEGREE + 3 - j) / 2 + i]* phi^(i)* theta(j) + ...

  • windshield_vertical_polynomial[DW_WINDSHIELD_VERTICAL_POLY_LENGTH] * theta^(DEGREE)

Macro Definition Documentation



index of the default extrinsic profile

Definition at line 66 of file RigTypes.h.



Defines the number of distortion coefficients for the ftheta camera model.

Definition at line 138 of file RigTypes.h.



maximal number of extrinsic profiles per sensor.

Definition at line 63 of file RigTypes.h.



Defines the maximum length of a sensor extrinsic profile name.

Definition at line 60 of file RigTypes.h.



Defines the maximum number of cameras in a rig.

Definition at line 54 of file RigTypes.h.



Defines the maximum number of sensors in a rig.

Definition at line 51 of file RigTypes.h.



Defines the maximum length of a sensor name in a rig.

Definition at line 57 of file RigTypes.h.



Defines the number of distortion coefficients for the pinhole camera model.

Definition at line 81 of file RigTypes.h.



Defines the maximum number of supports of the radar azimuth angle correction model.

Definition at line 530 of file RigTypes.h.



Defines the number of coefficients for the windshield parameters in the horizontal direction.

Definition at line 426 of file RigTypes.h.



Defines the number of coefficients for the windshield parameters in the vertical direction.

Definition at line 430 of file RigTypes.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dwCameraModel

Specifies the supported optical camera models.

The models define the mapping between optical rays and pixel coordinates, e.g., the intrinsic parameters of the camera.


Definition at line 72 of file RigTypes.h.

◆ dwFThetaCameraPolynomialType

Type of polynomial stored in FTheta.

The FTheta model can either be defined by the forward polynomial that maps a ray angle to a pixel distance from the principal point, or its inverse, the backward polynomial that maps a distance from the principal point to a ray angle.

This struct defines which of those two options a polynomial represents.


Backward polynomial type, mapping pixel distances (offset from principal point) to angles (angle between ray and forward)


Forward polynomial type, mapping angles (angle between ray and forward direction) to pixel distances (offset from principal point)

Definition at line 150 of file RigTypes.h.

◆ dwWindshieldPolynomialType

Type of polynomial stored in Windshield Model.

The Windshield model can either be defined by the forward polynomial that maps a ray from non-camera side to a ray on the camera side, or its inverse, the backward polynomial that maps a ray from camera side to a ray on the non-camera side.

This struct defines which of those two options a polynomial represents.


Forward polynomial type, mapping ray distortion by windshield from the non camera side to camera side.


Backward polynomial type, mapping ray distortion by windshield from the camera side to non-camera side.


Force enum to be 32 bits.

Definition at line 441 of file RigTypes.h.