Shang Yang

Shang Yang is a first-year Ph.D. student at HAN LAB of MIT EECS, advised by Prof. Song Han. Before that, he received a B.Sc. with highest honors from the department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, where he was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Yu Wang. My long-term goal is to build efficient machine learning systems for applications at different scales, especially the Large Language Models (LLMs). Recently, I am activately working on the quantization of LLMs.
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Posts by Shang Yang

Decorative image of VILA and Jetson Orin workflow.
Generative AI / LLMs

Visual Language Intelligence and Edge AI 2.0

VILA is a family of high-performance vision language models developed by NVIDIA Research and MIT. The largest model comes with ~40B parameters and the smallest... 8 MIN READ