Saurav Agarwal

Saurav Agarwal has more than eleven years of data industry experience concentrated on implementing AI, data science, and analytics solutions on big data platforms, including large-scale data lake systems. Saurav is an experienced solutions architect manager and data engineer with experience building distributed real-time data science pipelines. He has hands-on architecture and implementation experience in enterprise data landscapes, including Hadoop and Spark ecosystems. Saurav has been part of multiple large-scale projects covering end-to-end data landscape solutions for industries like automotive, supply chain, health care, banks, Fintech, and more. His top projects include streaming predictive alerts of heart ailments for a major healthcare provider and building a petabyte-scale data lake for a large Fintech firm and its various partner consumers.
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Posts by Saurav Agarwal

Data Science

Smarter Retail Data Analytics with GPU Accelerated Apache Spark Workloads on Google Cloud Dataproc

A retailer's supply chain includes the sourcing of raw materials or finished goods from suppliers; storing them in warehouses or distribution centers; and... 13 MIN READ