Logan Herche

Logan Herche is a senior system software engineer at NVIDIA. He works with HPC application developers to develop tools and help accelerate HPC applications. He designs and implements deep learning solutions to address problems ranging from image quality evaluation to data validation. Logan has a master's of science in Engineering Sciences from the University of the Pacific, where he graduated summa cum laude.
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Posts by Logan Herche

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Achieve up to 75% Performance Improvement for Communication Intensive HPC Applications with NVTAGS

Many GPU-accelerated HPC applications spend a substantial portion of their time in non-uniform, GPU-to-GPU communications. Additionally, in many HPC systems,... 2 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Overcoming Communication Congestion for HPC Applications with NVIDIA NVTAGS

HPC applications are critical to solving the biggest computational challenges to further scientific research. There is a constant need to drive efficiencies in... 10 MIN READ