Jakub Pietrzak

Jakub Pietrzak is the chief technology officer at Sky Engine AI. He heads GPU-accelerated research, data science, and machine learning algorithms development. He is a computer vision magician with 15+ years experience in machine learning, ray tracing, and digital image processing. Jakub has worked on deep learning-powered motion-capture systems for the biggest movie studios in Europe and was involved in medical imaging research projects at the Warsaw Center of Oncology. For his Ph.D. Jakub explored the idea of training neural networks on synthetic data and a topic of recreation of machine learning problems in virtual reality.
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Posts by Jakub Pietrzak

Data Science

Advancing AI Sports Analytics Through the Data-Driven SKY ENGINE AI Platform and NVIDIA RTX

Building training and testing playgrounds to help advance sport analytics AI solutions out of the lab and into the real world is exceedingly challenging. In... 11 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Accelerating Model Development and AI Training with Synthetic Data, SKY ENGINE AI platform, and NVIDIA TAO Toolkit

In AI and computer vision, data acquisition is costly and time-consuming and human-based labeling can be error-prone. The accuracy of the models is also... 8 MIN READ