Chung-Hsing Hsu

Dr. Chung-Hsing Hsu is an R&D staff member with the Computer Science Research Group of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Before joining ORNL in 2009, he was a technical staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Dr. Hsu's expertise is in efficient supercomputing. He has successfully used algorithm redesign, compiler optimization, more intelligent systems software and tools to improve the runtime and energy efficiency of computer systems as well as scientific applications. Dr. Hsu is currently focusing on software tools for improving programmer productivity as well as scalability of HPC applications. He holds a Ph.D. degree in computer science from Rutgers University.
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Posts by Chung-Hsing Hsu

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Scaling Scientific Computing with NVSHMEM

Figure 1. In the NVSHMEM memory model, each process (PE) has private memory, as well as symmetric memory that forms a partition of the partitioned global... 10 MIN READ