Gege Wen

Gege Wen is a Ph.D. candidate at the Energy Resources Engineering Dept. in the School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University. She received her master's degree in fluid mechanics and hydrology from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. at Stanford and has been working with Professor Sally Benson since 2016 on numerical simulation for carbon capture and storage. Her research focuses on machine learning approaches for carbon storage problems. She is an ExxonMobil Emerging Energy Fellow. Prior to attending Stanford, she received her bachelor's degree with honors from Lassonde Mineral Engineering at the University of Toronto.
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Posts by Gege Wen

Image of underground reservoir modeling.
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Using Carbon Capture and Storage Digital Twins for Net Zero Strategies

CO2 capture and storage technologies (CCS) catch CO2 from its production source, compress it, transport it through pipelines or by ships, and store it... 13 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Accelerating Climate Change Mitigation with Machine Learning: The Case of Carbon Storage

Climate change mitigation is about reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The worldwide goal is to reach net zero, which means balancing the amount of GHG... 11 MIN READ