Chia-Chih Chen

Chia-Chih Chen is a deep learning technical marketing engineer at NVIDIA, dedicated to promoting the NVIDIA NeMo framework for generative AI. His recent work involves multimodal LLMs, visual document understanding, graphical ads generation, and improvement of instruction to image editing using RLHF. With a 12-year background in applied research and software engineering, he has accumulated over 20 publications and patents with over 4,000 citations. Previously, as a senior computer vision software engineer at NVIDIA, he contributed to the development of perception DNNs and SDKs for autonomous vehicles. Chia-Chih earned his Ph.D. with the specialization of computer vision and machine learning from The University of Texas at Austin.
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Posts by Chia-Chih Chen

Illustration representing LLMs.
Generative AI

Unlock Your LLM Coding Potential with StarCoder2

Coding is essential in the digital age, but it can also be tedious and time-consuming. That's why many developers are looking for ways to automate and... 7 MIN READ