Ben Boudaoud

Ben Boudaoud is a research engineer in NVIDIA Research's New Experience Group. His background is in ultra-low power embedded and medical system design and he holds an master's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Virginia. More recently, his research interests have pivoted towards system latency and various aspects of competitive gaming user performance.
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Posts by Ben Boudaoud

Content Creation / Rendering

Improving Player Performance with Low Latency as Evident from FPS Aim Trainer Experiments

We've been collaborating with The Meta, makers of the popular KovaaK's FPS aim trainer game, for some time now to distribute experiments to their players. Our... 16 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Aiming Faster in Games with Low Computer System Latency

Figure 1. A screenshot from our experimental FPS game, called First Person Science. Players must aim at and click on the green targets to eliminate them.... 6 MIN READ